View Full Version : Hi New worrier

04-11-07, 12:39
Hello all
I have had social anxiety followed by Health anxiety followed by everone elses health anxiety,followed by just anxiety. Social and Health seem to be very strong still. I don't know about everyone else but my anxiety is worse when dusk sets in and early morning. Sometimes I feel seemingly no anxiety and then i feel an ache down my left arm or a cramp like pain in my left hand or my abdomen and the "what if it's" question comes back and hey presto Cold hands shakes,dissiness. The feelings of doom for the future are always present.

I have had a number of tests for my heart and all clear, unless the doctor wont tell me something. No panic attacks yet. Had an appointment for a colonoscopy but I could not go through with it, so I cancelled it after the consultant said he did not think there was a problem but would arrange a colonoscopy to relieve my anxiety. Now I am anxious that I have not had it but equally that I may have it.

How many other parts of my body will I need checking out before I pack it in?

Read an article yesterday about a woman who had severe chest pain when she was young and now she is 35 she had 3 heart attacks and nearly died with a rare heart disorder. My wife had two occassions as a teenager when she could not get up off the bed she says it was like having a knife in the chest and could not move. This has me worrying about if she has this rare disorder that the women in the article was talking about had. I have asked her to go get it checked out but she says she is too busy and that i worry too much.

Hope you all well for the future

Lots of love


04-11-07, 12:56
Hi Mee,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

04-11-07, 13:23
Hi Mee and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

04-11-07, 15:09
Hi Mee

Welcome to NMP. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

Pink Princess
04-11-07, 15:20

welcome to the site and i hope you settle in and make some good friends here.

take kare

love minnie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-11-07, 18:43
Hi Mee

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


04-11-07, 19:06

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

04-11-07, 20:33
Hi and welcome to NMP :)

04-11-07, 20:33
Hello Mee:welcome:to you!

Hang on in there - you'll get plenty of help and support here.

Take one little step at a time - e.g. try accepting what the doctor says about your heart - because he has no reason not to tell you the truth. Just keep telling yourself over and over that nothing has been overlooked or omitted - 'train your brain' to think positively over this issue.

Glad you found us - pleased to meet you!


04-11-07, 21:06
Thanx All

I feel like it is one big family.

Nice to be home

Lots of love

04-11-07, 21:29
Hi Mee

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

05-11-07, 12:09
Hello Mee And Welcome To The Site.......linda