View Full Version : For people with IBS

18-01-21, 11:45
Hi all

I’ve posted in health anxiety forum about fibromyalgia which I also have however this symptom I have I think is caused by ibs

I have IBS have done for some years no matter how many times I have a flare up I always think it’s something worse...I wanted to know if anyone can relate to this particular set of symptoms so I don’t slide back down this HA ladder that I feel I am slowly climbing up

I last went for a number 2 (sorry) Saturday morning I did have a flare up the beginning of the week where I had diahorrea twice in one day and felt colicky if that makes sense I normally have IBS C

However I get this weird set of symptoms even when I’m not ill or had a flare up

It seems like when my body is digesting and forming the next number 2(sorry) it gets to a certain part of my colon or it’s right there and I come over panicky for a few seconds my heart beats faster my chest aches and I feel a bit like something is going to happen I’ve tried sitting down and letting it pass and carrying on with what I was doing and it does pass it just scares me

I hope I’ve explained it properly it is kind of weird I get a lot of odd symptoms that I’m sure no one else else and I find hard to explain

Can anyone relate to this at all?

Thanks guys x

24-01-21, 17:43
Hi ScaredCaz - Sorry, but I can't relate to this. However, that's not to say that it isn't another of the many facets of IBS. I've had IBS-C most of my life and the symptoms change over the years, although some stay with you. They seem so wide and varied from person to person and life-stage to life-stage it's almost impossible to keep up. No wonder we often worry that something unrelated is going on. I put a lot down to anxiety and I'm sure, in my case, symptoms can occur when I am subliminally worried (if there is such a term). When younger I used to find that if I worried in my head my stomach would be OK, but when I stopped worrying consciously the problems would go to my stomach and come out there. Perhaps feelings have to express themselves somehow, even when repressed mentally. I hope the problem resolves or you can accept it as yet another quirky symptom of nothing serious. Take care.

25-01-21, 16:28
Hi ScaredCaz
Yup, I have the exact same symptom, if you Google "Healthunlocked Panic attacks and other symptoms before bowel movements" you will find a whole thread about it, lots of us have these symptoms