View Full Version : Very Concerned About My Wife

18-01-21, 15:22
On this past Thursday my wife (27yrs old) developed a low grade fever that morning and by that night had developed severe chills and full body aches. She said every muscle in her body hurt. On Friday the fever remained, chills and aches were better, so we went to get her tested for COVID, which came back negative. That night she started having severe stomach cramps (right under ribs) that would last for 3-5 minutes at a time. She had those over the course of Friday and Saturday which eventually turned into a general upper stomach ache/pain. We did a teledoc visit Saturday night and the doctor said she probably had a virus.

The low grade fever continued off and on with Tylenol through the weekend as well. This entire time she has had zero energy and cannot eat without feeling bloated and full.

This morning she is still feeling unwell, extremely tired, no energy and says she just feels awful. She had no fever this morning but she just looks very sick. I am so concerned this is something more serious. I lost my mother (63) to Ovarian Cancer this past September and I'm so terrified of my wife having something like this.

Any thoughts or experiences would be helpful.

18-01-21, 15:29
Any thoughts or experiences would be helpful.

the doctor said she probably had a virus.

What extra information do you need? :shrug:

18-01-21, 15:37
I get it, I do and I appreciate the response, truly. I just never imagined a virus lasting this long. And causing this much exhaustion after 4 days.

Part of it is also, that with my mom, it took an ER visit for them to see a massive tumor. Something doctors had misdiagnosed for over 7 months.

And part of it is that it was a teledoc visit so how much accuracy can there be in that?

18-01-21, 16:56
Just talked to my wife and said her temperature was back up to 100.5. I'm so scared this is something more serious.

18-01-21, 17:52
A virus can make you feel like crap for weeks.

You're reacting to your imagination, not the facts.

Sorry to hear about your Mum, but look at what's in front of you now, try not to draw on past experience.

Last nasty virus I had took me several months to get over. They can be brutal.

18-01-21, 18:08
Just talked to my wife and said her temperature was back up to 100.5. I'm so scared this is something more serious.

Hi boostedcoop, got to agree with anxietyjoe, a virus can make you feel rubbish in my experience for weeks, listen to the dr he will have come across these symptoms many times. Understandably you’re concerned but try not to worry i’m sure your wife will be fine.

18-01-21, 18:41
Thanks for the responses guys it truly means so much.

She also just informed me that she forgot to take her Zoloft on Thursday and Friday when she got sick. Took it Saturday but then forgot again yesterday. Maybe some of this is withdrawals?

18-01-21, 18:51
Maybe some of this is withdrawals?

Why are you still looking for an alternative solution to the obvious one right under your nose?

18-01-21, 18:55
You're right. This is just my anxiety looking for reassurance. Thank you!

18-01-21, 18:55
I had a stomach virus a few years ago that lasted over 2 weeks and I had lingering symptoms for longer than that. I also got hives from it. I would try not to worry.

18-01-21, 21:33
I had a nasty virus (or at least that's what I believe it was) in August and it lasted for almost a month. Two calls to the dr and a round of bloods and stool culture revealed nothing. I felt crap. I lost weight and I had terrible tummy cramps. Nothing would stay in. I literally had an upset tummy for 3 weeks. I thought the same - no way a tummy bug would last this long...the dr told me standard is around 10 days for you to get back to normal. Things like this upset the natural balance of your system. It can take a while for your body to right itself again. The bloating is due to the bug and it causing havoc with the digestive system.

19-01-21, 01:14
I had a nasty virus (or at least that's what I believe it was) in August and it lasted for almost a month. Two calls to the dr and a round of bloods and stool culture revealed nothing. I felt crap. I lost weight and I had terrible tummy cramps. Nothing would stay in. I literally had an upset tummy for 3 weeks. I thought the same - no way a tummy bug would last this long...the dr told me standard is around 10 days for you to get back to normal. Things like this upset the natural balance of your system. It can take a while for your body to right itself again. The bloating is due to the bug and it causing havoc with the digestive system.

Glad you made a full recovery! If I may, did you have a persistent fever while you were sick? She has had a 100-101.5 everyday since getting sick. Tylenol seems to bring it down but it comes back fairly quickly.

19-01-21, 18:00
Glad you made a full recovery! If I may, did you have a persistent fever while you were sick? She has had a 100-101.5 everyday since getting sick. Tylenol seems to bring it down but it comes back fairly quickly.

You don't need to keep checking other peoples symptoms and reactions. That's part of YOUR health anxiety issue.

For the record, if you use tylenol/paracetamol to bring down a fever, you prolong the illness. It's a symptom reliever, not a cure. The fever is there to eradicate the infection.

19-01-21, 18:31
For the record, if you use tylenol/paracetamol to bring down a fever, you prolong the illness. It's a symptom reliever, not a cure. The fever is there to eradicate the infection.

Yeah but when you're running a fever, you feel way worse.

Positive thoughts

19-01-21, 19:29
You don't need to keep checking other peoples symptoms and reactions. That's part of YOUR health anxiety issue.

For the record, if you use tylenol/paracetamol to bring down a fever, you prolong the illness. It's a symptom reliever, not a cure. The fever is there to eradicate the infection.

I don't belive I had a fever but everyone is different in how their body reacts to viruses. Anxiettjoe makes a good point about cross referencing others symptoms and he has in fact been of great help to me with my own personal HA struggles so I always take his advice on board!

The fact she has a fever is suggestive of an infection. The body will fight this, allow the immune system to fight it off - because it will.

19-01-21, 20:29
Yeah but when you're running a fever, you feel way worse.

Positive thoughts

Swings and roundabouts. Feel worse short term, or slightly less worse for longer.

I'm just trying to explain to him that a fever comes and goes, but the longer you delay it's effect by artificially suppressing it, the longer it might ​take to recover overall.

19-01-21, 21:56
I hear you but there's no scientific evidence taking an OTC fever remedy will delay recovery.

Positive thoughts

20-01-21, 03:30
I hear you but there's no scientific evidence taking an OTC fever remedy will delay recovery.

Positive thoughts

Took the words out of my mouth...
err.... fingertips lol.

Ankietyjoe where did that little nugget come from?

20-01-21, 06:28
Maybe her Covid test was a false negative?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20-01-21, 10:23
I'm just trying to explain to him that a fever comes and goes, but the longer you delay it's effect by artificially suppressing it, the longer it might ​take to recover overall.

The outcome from the largest study to date on this suggests it makes no difference:

Acetaminophen for Fever in Critically Ill Patients with Suspected Infection (https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa1508375)

20-01-21, 15:18
I hear you but there's no scientific evidence taking an OTC fever remedy will delay recovery.

Positive thoughts

Took the words out of my mouth...
err.... fingertips lol.

Ankietyjoe where did that little nugget come from?

The outcome from the largest study to date on this suggests it makes no difference:

Acetaminophen for Fever in Critically Ill Patients with Suspected Infection (https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa1508375)

Two Doctors have told me in the past, specifically the last time I had a really bad chest infection. A Doctor in the hospital (I had to visit twice) suggested I lay off the paracetamol and let the fever run it's course. I had been experiencing sporadic fever for three weeks up to this point, I stopped taking the paracetamol and it was gone within 48 hours. Could be complete coincidence of course.

John Campbell mentioned it in one of his videos this week.

Stands to reason really. Fever is designed to make the body an inhospitable place, if you negate the fever, it becomes less inhospitable.

One study doesn't prove or disprove anything, and of course y'all can disagree with what I say until the cows come home, I still stand by it.

22-01-21, 22:01
Thanks for all of the replies everyone! My wife is feeling much better and hasn't had a fever since Monday. Still some mild stomach cramping and no appetite that comes and goes but overall seems much better.

22-01-21, 23:33
Of course, minutes after I write that she calls me at work to tell me here fever and stomach cramps have returned.... What gives? Ughhhh

23-01-21, 12:43
Of course, minutes after I write that she calls me at work to tell me here fever and stomach cramps have returned.... What gives? Ughhhh

Maybe re-read some of the previous comments.

23-01-21, 17:23
I still stand by it.

I've heard this too, and been told it. Obviously dangerously high fevers are a different matter, but from what I have read it is a very contentious issue and medics are divided on their opinion of treating a fever or not. Article here -


23-01-21, 17:29
Of course, minutes after I write that she calls me at work to tell me here fever and stomach cramps have returned....

Has she just had cramps/pain and fever alone, or in addition bad bowel movements/the runs ? Just trying to work out if she has shown symptoms of a stomach bug really.

23-01-21, 18:58

I completely understand your anxiety, I would feel the same way as you do if it was my partner. However, try to focus on the fact that is honestly probably just a virus like the doc said.

Most viruses don't last long but some do. I had a bad case of tonsillitis a few years ago that left me in bed for nearly two weeks and unable to eat solids. I lost 10 pounds as a result. It happens.

For the meantime, try and make your wife as comfortable as possible. Watch movies together, rest, read books. This might ease your anxiety too. Just think of it as riding it out and passing the time.

Sorry to hear about your mum. My HA was triggered by my grandmother's death from breast cancer when she was 68. I get how it can make you feel.

24-01-21, 19:14
RE - Reducing fevers.


25-01-21, 16:16
Yes, I have been told this by various doctors too. I was told that fever is the body's way to help fight an infection and so, by supressing the fever you're stopping the body's natural mechanim to fight the infection