View Full Version : Trouble with left ear

04-11-07, 23:31
hello everyone

this hasn't really bothered me untill yesterday

but in my left ear i have had small earaches nothing major and at random times everything goes quiet and in just this one ear there is a high pitched ring, i just thought that was normal and it goes away a few seconds later.

well yesterday i got up and went to the shop was fine all in there and then we got outside and walked over the carpark to macdonalds, as soon as i got near the door it was like a high pitched car alarm was going off in this one ear. i put my finger in it thinking it was an outside sound but i could still hear it but no where near as loud and as high as when i took my finger out. we didn't get to go in maccy d's as i was scared and wanted to go home, it was loud. it passed after about a minute and we left but i had a bit of an earache and pressure in the ear.

i don't know what it might be but i'm thinking of going to have it checked out just incase there is a small infection x

any ideas??

05-11-07, 06:13
Hi Sammi

Don't worry sweetie, I have had this many times. I'm not quite sure what it is but i know the first time I had it I ran off to my doctors thinking I had had a stroke! He tried to explain that it is to do with pressure in the inner ear. I know exactly what the noise sounds like also, it is very high pitched and i feel like it makes me off balance somehow and that the ear is muffled but it isn't, its really weird. I have had it on and off for many many years and nothing nasty has happened.

By all means if it worries you then go get it checked but i'm sure all is ok.

Take it easy sweetie


05-11-07, 08:14
I get this too - sounds like a tuning fork going off in my ear - a very high pitched sound. It's very normal.

05-11-07, 17:37
I have had this nearly every day for past 20 years so glad its not just me! I have had my ears checked out and all fine even a MRI scan of ears and brain. I hate the muffled feeling a split second before the ringing starts and you feel a bit weird for those seconds.

06-11-07, 12:30
Yes I have had this and still get very bad tinitus and pressure problems in left ear, they have no idea what causes it.