View Full Version : fear of being hospitalised for severe anxiety

05-11-07, 10:38
one of my fears is being hospitalised for anxiety - i have read in several posts that some members have been at some point and wondered why some people are hopsitalised and some not - is it the severity of symptoms? also i have realised that some members talk about their psychiatrist whereas i have only ever been treated by my doctor. is a psychiatrist better at prescribing different drugs etc?

05-11-07, 11:04
Hi Joanna

Try not to worry hun, been hospitalised would only happen in extreme cases,and through my own experiance this was only suggested because of the fear i would take my own life, I have never been in hospital but at one stage my anxiety was that bad i didnt leave my bedroom for 6 months and the GP wanted to put me in hospital and sent a crisis team round to visit me,luckily my family and friends where there for me and they refused to let them take me, in the end with the help of medication(which i had refused to take in the past because of my stubbornness, but knew this was my only chance or i would be admitted) and phycatatric help i managed to get through that rough patch.
As your GP suggested any help? Phyciatirc,Councilling, CBT etc? If you are struggling at the moment then that would be the best route to take, and im sure your GP would take that route too.

There is light at the end of the tunnel , im off medication, working and living life to the full now so stay positive too hun, im sure you will get there too.

Love and hugs

05-11-07, 11:05
Hi Joannap

Why would you think you would be hospitalised for anxiety? I had the same fear too, in that I would read about people having nervous breakdowns and I just assumed that this was the start of, what would enivitably be a nervous breakdown rendering me unable to cope and being, dare I say sectioned.

I now reflect on those dark days, only to realise that those thoughts were purely instigated by my own mindset, in much the same way as I would read about someone having a heart attack who was around my age, and that I would also suffer the same fate.

Anxiety will feed your fears, the trick is to step back and try (and this is easier to say than do) and understand that your thoughts are unfounded and negative, and tese thoughts directly relate to how you will feel.

If you are suffering particuarly bad at the moment, why not chat to your doc about seeing a specialist. This does not always mean using meds, but can include talking therapy's CBT etc which many people find more effective in the long term.

Good luck


05-11-07, 11:12
thanks very much for the reassurance - i am managing to live a pretty normal life but mythoughts are scaring the hell out of me at the moment - nothing seems to make sense, all my beliefs and faith feel to have gone out of the window. its like i am not in control of my thoughts and as my thoughts sort of make up me - i don;t know who me is anymore and its a horrible feeling - maybe this is depersonalisation?:wacko:

05-11-07, 11:20
hi i was like you i didnt no who i was or my surroundings i felt weird my doc said it was depersonlisation i nwhich was so scary .i havnt been hospitalised and neither will you be ive only ever seen my doc to i havnt seen any one else or recieved any more treatment .it just takes time to feel better im feeling better after 5 months i have started back work and am going out a bit ive had to realy push my self as i have 2 kids think about .and you in time will start to feel better to tc elaine xxx

05-11-07, 11:24
I just wanted to let you know that you are def not alone feeling this way. I feel the same way too at the moment. However I do know that you will feel better soon, that is just how anxiety works, at the end it always subsides. xx

05-11-07, 11:25
:) hi joannap,

i can also relate to your situation, the same as jaco, it is part and parcel of being sick with worry. once you start to get a bit of perspective back you will be surprised at how quickly you start to take back control of your thoughts.

you say your family stopped you going into hospital? many years ago when my family fell apart after the death of my mum, and i had what would be a breakdown, i actually wanted to go into hospital!!! but the pshychiatrist refused because he said i would be too vulnerable, so he presribed me the combo of meds that miraculously got me better.(at that time!)

i have one friend who had severe social anxiety/phobia who went and signed himself into hospital, only to sign himself out after a day!!!

my advice is to forget about the hospital, it just isnt an option if you dont want it, unless you are going to hurt yourself or someone else, which is highly unlikely. like jacos said this level of anxiety creates all of these thoughts especially when you are reading that people have been into hospital. but dont forget everyones situation is different some people have no support,some people dont know how to cope themselves, some people have had such horrendous circumstances that they do particularly need some extra attention. do you by any chance have a mental health day unit in your hospital? my hospital has one but you have to be referred by your gp,ask your gp exactly what is available, and if you are feeling too anxious to assert yourself, ask a trusted person to speak for you. all the bset, tc emma

05-11-07, 11:25
hi Joanna

Try these links they may help too hun.



05-11-07, 12:12
thanks honey bee for the links. feeling a little calmer now. think i am getting better at spotting when my brain is winding itself up. by now i would have usually gone into major panic mode and rung my mum in tears but although am still feeling anxious - can sort of see the thought for what they are. i am finding that waiting for the horrible anxious feeling to pass instead of feeling anxious about feeling anxious is helping so maybe i am starting to "unmask" it slowly!

emmas - it was honeybee talking about her experiences with her family! x

05-11-07, 14:46
:blush: oh yeah so it was! he he:wacko: