View Full Version : Anyone feel actually ill with IBS?

19-01-21, 14:22
Does anyone ever feel really ill, weird, when their tummy bloats? Having problems with tummy again. Upper niggling pains most days but about two hours after my evening meal, I start feeling dreadful. Feels like my meal is still there and I feel pressure all over my stomach and quite ill. Last night, dragged myself up to bed but it felt like I had just eaten and couldn’t digest anything. It’s a horrible feeling which seems to affect all of me and I can’t sleep for ages. Only had porridge and a smoothie for breakfast and oat cakes and cottage cheese and avocado for lunch and it’s just come on again. So bloated, which I’ve had loads of times with IBS but then this panicky feeling as if I’m going to keel over with the pressure etc. Yes, I’m anxious at the moment which doesn’t help. Husband had a cancer scare last week but all was okay so that hasn’t helped but this awful feeling is new.

21-01-21, 07:22
How much fibre are you eating? Too much can play havoc with IBS.

My IBS goes nuts if I eat fruit and a lot of types of veg. Peas? Don't start me on peas! :scared15:

It might be the case that you're eating too much fruit etc and it's fermenting away in there - causing wind and bloating?

In the short-term, peppermint tea will help with the bloating, and I also drink ginger tea when I feel nauseous.

22-01-21, 14:44
Yes, I've deffo had nausea and lack of appetite from IBS and/or anxiety.

A few years ago I used to wake up every morning bloated and windy, really horrible. Couldn't eat anything until lunchtime - which on contrary when I did, actually made me feel better.

23-01-21, 09:32
Yes, I've deffo had nausea and lack of appetite from IBS and/or anxiety.

A few years ago I used to wake up every morning bloated and windy, really horrible. Couldn't eat anything until lunchtime - which on contrary when I did, actually made me feel better.

I've been that bloated that I've walked into the living room patting my belly saying to Hubs 'What are we going to call this one?' :roflmao:

23-01-21, 20:23
I've suffered with IBS-C all my life (had a stoppage pre-school age) - diagnosed when I was in my mid 20s. I've never found an answer to it. I get a tight feeling in my lower abdomen as though a fist is squeezing my intestine and will not let anything pass - that's when I know it's about to start. After that I bloat - often painfully and can look pregnant, like Nora B. Waistbands that are loose in the morning will be tight and need loosening at night. The wind builds and if I am lucky, eventually I will pass a stool but it will be hard pebbles and painful. This can go on for a long time then it might stop for a short while. I've been to doctors (several over the years) - the last time I was prescribed Laxido and that seems to work to soften the stools so that at least I can have a comfortable bowel movement. However, the instructions say don't take for more than a couple of weeks - I have been taking it for about six years. Occasionally I try to do without it and have limited success. My diet is very healthy - fish, a limited amount of lean red meat, chicken, vegetables,nuts and fruit. I don't eat wheat - I make Michael Mosley's green flax bread, don't take in much dairy and try to avoid as much sugar as possible. I also walk briskly every day. I don't know what more to do. I have looked at the FODMAPS diet but I just feel that would make me more constipated than ever. So, if anyone has found a way to relieve IBS-C I'd be so pleased to hear. I do trawl through the threads but have not found an answer so far. For now it will be back to the Laxido but I hate taking something for all this time. I am taking a prebiotic and I sometimes have slippery elm powder as well as drinking prune juice which works for a limited period. I have tried psyllium husk etc. and Fybogel to no avail.

Forgot to mention that I drink at least two litres of water a day, every day and have discomfort in my left side, just under the ribs with a feeling as though my descending colon is completely full. Makes me wonder if waste is having a hard time getting around the splenic flexure and just accumulating. This flare is recent and started before I stopped the Laxido (which I have now started again). Doesn't it make you fed up??

28-01-21, 13:16
Just an update - the constipation continues and waistbands are now tight from the morning. I am taking one laxido sachet a day (which is a lot for me, usually I only need 1/3 sachet) and this is having no effect. So today I have taken 1 x Laxido, three magnesium tablets and drunk 2 large glasses of prune juice! Result, 1 reasonable movement but that is it. Up until last week everything seemed to be working normally (for me, that is) so I am struggling to understand why Laxido suddenly seems ineffective. Does this count as a change in bowel habits? Disconcerting.