View Full Version : Red area on gum. Really scared!!! Help

05-11-07, 12:26
Hi there, since yesterday I notice that my gum is red and a bit irritated.
The redness starts between the teeth (top gum at the front) and carries on to the top where the gum meets the lip (if you see what I mean).
You know if you lift your top lip to look at your gums underneath, the areas between each root is pinker than the rest (which I assume is normal), well it's exactly there, only it's a lot pinker, if not red between the roots of 2 teeth.
I'm really worried about it, I booked an appointment with my dentist but there wasn't one until wednesday morning.
I looked at Google (wrong I know) under "abces" but they say that an abces is caused by a cavity that hasn't been treated and I haven't got a cavity there.
I haven't even looked under "mouth cancer" as I can't bear to.
Besides if I look properly it looks like there is a little white "pocket" of fluid on the gum like an ulcer. I really don't want to loose my tooth as it's at the front.
Please help, I know I should wait to hear the dentist opinion but in the meantime I'm really scared.
P.S: By the way I went for a check up 2 weeks ago and he didn't notice anything and told me that my teeth were perfectly healthy and clean. No plaque or anything.
The only different thing I've done recently is start using an electric toothbrush again, but I dont' see why that would irritate the gum like that as I didnt' use it for more than the recommended 3 minutes.
please help

05-11-07, 12:37
Hi Toffeeapple,sounds like a little bit of inflammation round the gum.I get this quite alot if I have been to rough with the toothbrush or when flossing.Sometimes you can get little gum sores and ulcers.I really wouldnt worry.Try a good mouth wash.:hugs:

05-11-07, 12:42
Hi Toffee,

I would agree with what Ellen says hun :hugs: the amount of times I've stood in front of the mirror over the years examining my mouth I cant remember. I'm glad you didn't google well done you. xxx

05-11-07, 13:44
Thanks guys, really helpful. I didn't even know you could get ulcers on your gums. Whenever I had some I got them on my tongue or inside cheek.
I've put some Bonjela on it, I don't even know if I was supposed to but there.
It doesn't seem to have gone better since yesterday though. It hasn't got worse either I suppose.
Anyway thank you, I hope you guys are right and it's not cancer or I haven't got to have a tooth extraction.
I got a similar problem after flossing extensively last time (although I didn't see the colour of the gum as it was a back tooth). It's annoying, you can't even have proper hygiene without having irritated gums, what's the point?

05-11-07, 14:45
Sometimes if I havent flossed and then have a go my gums swell get sore and go red.You can get ulcers any where in the mouth.Im pretty sure its not cancer or anything serious.Bonjela is ok for all mouth ulcers.:hugs:

05-11-07, 20:20
Hi Toffee
I have been working for a dentist for 18 years, this sounds like you might of been over zealous with the tooth brush, and caused an ulcer, best thing for this is hot salty mouthwash, I teaspoon of salt in a cup of boiled (and cooled so not to burn your mouth) water hold it your mouth over the sore area for about 1 minute and spit out, do this 2 or 3 times a day and it should get better within 3 days or so.
Hope this helps:)

05-11-07, 20:32
Unbelievable, 18 years for a dentist? Thank you for your reply! You've reassured me! I thought that might be it but.... well you know. I mean I'm still gonna see my dentist on wednesday because it does look strange, but I'm so grateful to you. Unfortunately I'm not gonna leave you alone now you shouldn't have admitted to that!
Here comes my next question: (I'm joking don't worry! :D )
By the way I'm also grateful to you Ellen for taking the time to reply, you've taught me something too.