View Full Version : Over active bladder at night causing insomnia

21-01-21, 16:08
Hello, I have had this problem for 8-9 long years now. I've been checked for everything and the doctor said I just have an overactive bladder.

I get up to go to the toilet 2-3 times on a good night, and on a bad night I can't sleep for needing the toilet. I'll get up and go and will instantly need to again, and it doesn't stop until I eventually am so exhausted sleep takes over. This ends up with a severe lack of sleep!

As I've been checked I'm not worried it could be anything more sinister, I've had the problem since I was 19 and now I'm nearly 28. But does anyone have any tips on how to deal with it when it's bad? It comes and goes in waves but currently I'm having a bad wave, while also recovering from covid so I need my sleep!

I think general insomnia partially causes it, and once I'm awake/ if I can't get to sleep my OAB kicks in. My current bedroom isn't hugely conducive to good sleep but there isn't much I can do about it. It gets very hot, can't have the windows open because theres a noisy road next to the flat, its bright and the bed isn't very comfy. I already use earplugs and a mask and it's a rented property so I can't make any alterations. Hoping to move this year so don't want to spend loads of money on a mattress topper, but I would consider any cheap ideas for things that will help me sleep.

If anyones had the same and knows any remedies, I will be eternally grateful.