View Full Version : Twitching jolts legs and arms

21-01-21, 16:31
I have read that twitching muscles is a common sign of anxiety, I am having weird twitches in thighs, calf muscle , shoulders and sometimes fingers.

Do others get it and how would you explain it ?

21-01-21, 16:59
If you scroll to the bottom of the page or do a search, you'll find thousands of posts about this.

Positive thoughts

21-01-21, 21:25
Loads and loads and loads get it. Its from tired, exhausted muscles and nerves; tense use of muscles, tense positions, adrenaline, and general 'tough times' bombarding your body.

26-01-21, 01:45
Do others get it and how would you explain it ?

Yes. Daily. I would explain it as a non-event.

Jump and twitch all you want muscles it doesn't mean sh*t.

28-01-21, 00:36
I used to get this so much, especially when anxious. I also once had a thumb twitch for 2 weeks straight (about 10 years ago) - it is was day and night, kept me awake. Then, one day, it just went. Weird. But nothing to worry about :)