View Full Version : Colonoscopy please tell me the truth

05-11-07, 17:46
Anyone in Uk who has had one please tell me the truth about it.
I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy back in march and asked the same question on another site and the replies I got all said it was just a bit uncomfortable - well to me it was more painful than childbirth. When I posted this lo and behold some of the same people replied saying it had been same for them but they hadn't wanted to scare me! If they had told the truth I would have asked for sedation so they didn't do me any favours.:mad:

My sig was normal and also fecal occult blood tests. My symptoms were weird abdominal pressures and excess wind keeping me awake at night.

I also had ultrasounds and loads of blood tests.

My consultant sent me an appt for colonsocopy but I cancelled it and asked ot see him again to discuss if I needed it and saw him today and he said he is sure I just have IBS but until I have had a colonoscopy he cannot diagnose it. He said I can refuse but it is standard practise now that to diagnose IBS you have to have a normal sig and a normal colonoscopy so they have excluded anything else. I am going to be listed for one in January next year as I didn't want to go throught it before xmas.

He said the only other option was a CT cologram but that would mean quite a dose of radiation and because of my health anxiety over the years I have had lots of xrays so want to avoid radiation.

My friend has had two colonoscopies and she said the prep wasn't nice and even with sedation she was aware of the pain of the proceedure. When I had an endoscopy I only remember when they put the scope down and then back but rest was a blank. As I found the sigmoidoscopy so painful without sedation I imagine the colonoscopy will be just as painful for me.
My mother in law had one and doesn't remember a thing!

Just tell me your experiences then at least I will be prepared.

05-11-07, 18:08
I can tell you my honest to goodness experience.

I had one about ten years ago. It was UNCOMFORTABLE, nothing more. At one point, yes, I did get an almighty pain that was like a childbirth, or really bad period cramp. The nurse held my hand and spoke reassuring words to me. I also felt at one point like I was going to do a poo, but I knew there was nothing in there to come out!
It wasn't nice, it really wasn't. It was uncomfy, bordering on the slightly painful, apart from the one point as I said. It didn't last long and there were no after effects like tenderness inside or anything. I don't even remember getting sedation, but to be honest, that may be my memory. I don't remember much of the prep either. The fact that I don't remember these details, makes me just think that they weren't bad as I remembered the painful part!

Good luck. Remember, everyone's experience is different. Just like childbirth really!

05-11-07, 20:07
:hugs: Hi
I had a colonoscopy back in January, like you I had a sigmoidoscopy without sedation a few months beforehand and found it so painful, I yelled the room down. The preparation for the colonoscopy is pretty traumatic two satchets of laxatives about 12 hours apart, don't be far away from a toilet is all I can say, also make sure you drink plenty of fluids, as I didn't drink enough and my blood pressure went extremely low because of dehydration, and they wouldn't let me leave hospital till it had come up.I had a sedative in the back of my hand ( diazapam ) although it was uncomfortable and took a little longer than a sigmoid, it was no where near as painful. I was fine afterwards just a little windy!!!! and bloated.
I got the all clear and was diagnosed with IBS, I was given Questran to take daily and guess what after 6 years of painful diaorrehae and living off imodium, I am 100% better, you name it I can eat it with no after effects.
So please go ahead and have it done, for 5 or 10 mins of discomfort it is well worth it if you can get an end result like me.
Good Luck

05-11-07, 22:38
thanks both. Mingsy I am glad I am not the only one who found the sigmoidoscopy so painful without sedation, it was a very nasty shock, I remember trying not to yell but I am sure I levitated off the bed I was so rigid with pain and eventually had to say enough. The wind is exciting isn't it!! What made me laugh was they put you in a room with other people to recover and everyone was farting away for England as quietly as possible.

05-11-07, 22:46
Ok well I won't be asking for one of these then :wacko:

I had the tube down my nose to look at my throat and it was fine at the time but for the next 2 days I thought I had broken my nose - it was so achy!

Good that people are honest about these things cos it helps to know what to expect I think - but then again it now makes me more scared of ever having one now!

05-11-07, 23:43
Hi Countrygirl

I have had two colonoscopys. I had sedation with both so don't remember much about it at all. The preparation for the couple of days beforehand is a nuisence. The stuff you have to drink tastes dreadful and running off to the loo all the time is a pain.

There is no way i'd do it without sedation but can honestly say with it, i don't remember anything. I am due to have another one some time this year.

Take care and all the best

06-11-07, 10:33
I remember the starvation but not as a very bad thing. I had loads of jellies and stock drinks. I didn't leave the house after I had the laxative, but it was ok. Yes, I had to rush quite a few times, but it was soon over.
I apologise as earlier I said I didn't remember the preparation, I didn't realise you meant this. I thought there was something else. If I remember rightly too, I didn't have any sedative or anything and I went on my own. I am sure I would have remembered if I had sedation.
However, if sedation is on offer, I would take it. Even if it just makes you feel calmer about the whole thing.:)

richard sharp
06-11-07, 12:03
my wife as had all these tests etc done a few times after she collapsed in pain and had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. she as been diagnosed with crohns disease. does anyone have any helpful advice on this condition?

06-11-07, 19:21
I've been wondering whether to have sedation for my sigmoidoscopy... I probably will now. :blush: I'm so nervous I keep reading my hospital letter and feeling tearful.

My first rectal exam I did scream out loud but I was in a lot of pain at the time anyway going to the toilet etc. My 2nd one wasn't as bad... (by the way I know no one asked me for these details :winks: :D ) I imagine the sigmoidoscopy is worse...:weep:

06-11-07, 21:10
Northern Sky def demand sedation for your sigmoidoscopy. when I had mine and as I said was levitating off the table rigid with pain the nurse said didn't anyone tell you to ask for sedation! Great I said now you tell me and she laughed, She said no one ever had a second one conscious. Just ring the hospital and say you cannot go through with it without sedation and its as simple as that.

Next question is what are the after effects - I know all about the farting for england for 24 hrs but anything else like how long before normal bowel movements resume??

06-11-07, 23:37
Hi Countrygirl

I went back to normal with the bowels a day or so later. I remember being scared about going to but all was fine.

thanks and take care

07-11-07, 00:52
heya, I had one sedated and my notes afterwards said "did not tolerate!!!" i can't really remember it too well, but i didn't like the air they pump in and i get embarrassed by farts and things so i think i was subconsciously more worried about that than being in actual pain! i know someone who had it under general and was fine.

jess xxx

31-10-09, 06:40
I haven't had any colonoscopy (http://colonnews.com) before. But I think those who undergoes colonoscopy is sedated so I guess it lessens the discomfort.:bighug1:

31-10-09, 12:55
Hi there!
I had a colonoscopy and a barium enema last year. The truth... I was in hospital when I had the colonoscopy so i was administered anal laxatives uncomfortable but not painful. When I went for the procedure I was told to lie on my back and pull my knees up towards my chest. The tube with the camera was inserted uncomfortable but not painful. The only painful bit was when they release the gas. That was like a sustained pretty damn painful labour pain. ( I had no sedation). The nurse held my hands and I moaned a little and before I knew it the tube was being extracted as it was the pressure of the gas was released and the pain went instantly. Honestly. I could do it again without the need for sedation. Personally if you've ever had really bad toothache that is most definately worse.
The BArium enema was however something else altogether. There wasnt the same degree of pain but it was an elongated extremely uncomfortable experience., as you are asked to move in all different directions and the table stands you up too and the whole time trying to not give in to the feeling of needing to poop is awful.
Honestly Id rather experience the pain of the colonoscopy than go through a barium enema again.

Hope that helps


27-11-09, 15:25
Well I have had both flexible sigmoidoscopy & proctoscopy (which wasn't too bad) they found Heamorrrroids which the doctor wanted to band there & then but couldn't due to me being on Warfarin etc.
Well I ended up with a nice invite from the hospital for a Colonoscopy (gee thanks), Cause of the instructions about me having to stop Warfarin 5 days prior to it, I queried this by letter to my consultant letting him know of my concerns.
Well I ended up with a letter back saying he (the consultant) had cancelled my Colonoscopy (see there is a God!), he wants me to go back to see him on 02/12/09 to discuss the other options for looking inside my Colon area.

17-03-10, 22:21
I had the procedure this Monday and it was uncomfortable yes, painful no. You will have a weired sensation but it is managable and i had no pain relief. I was even allowed a small breakfast which i decided against, nerves i suppose but it had to be done and now it has been i'm glad, they'll tell you there and then i you have any issues so all for the best really. I had no bleeding or pain post the procedure, just a quick dash to the toilet. Best of luck

04-05-10, 04:21
“Colonoscopy is the endoscopic examination of the colon and the distal part of the small bowel with a CCD camera or a fiber optic camera on a flexible tube passed through the anus. It may provide a visual diagnosis (e.g. ulceration, polyps) and grants the opportunity for biopsy or removal of suspected lesion (.wikipedia.org)” Colonoscopy is usually done in diagnosing colon disease (http://colonnews.com/colon-disease.html) and determine colon health (http://colonnews.com/index.html). If there is a sudden change in bowel habit or suspicion of malignancy in our instestine. It is done by a doctor to check what is inside your colon (http://www.colonnews.com/colon.html), which is what we also call the large intestine. In this process the doctor uses colonoscope. The colonoscope is a thin, flexible tube that ranges from 48in. to 72in. long. A small video camera is attached to the colonoscope so that your doctor can take pictures or video of the large intestine (colon). This allows insertion of the air in the scope to have a better view inside the colon. It has also forceps attached on the scopes that can collect tissues for biopsy.
Colonoscopy is a procedure used to see inside the colon and rectum. Colonoscopy can detect inflamed tissue, ulcers, and abnormal growths. Polyps (http://colonnews.com/colon-cleansing/do-you-know-what-colonoscopy.html) may be removed with electrocautery snares, and photographs may be taken. The procedure is used to look for early signs of colorectal cancer (http://www.colonnews.com/colon-disease/what-colorectal-cancer.html) and can help doctors diagnose unexplained changes in bowel habits, abdominal pain, bleeding from the anus, and weight loss. It can also detect the cause of bleeding and irritation in our colon.

>>for more information about this, visit www.colonnews.com