View Full Version : Hi to all from one new panic sufferer

05-11-07, 18:54
Hi all
I just found this site as I was googling Cetalopram (is that the right spelling!) as I have just seen my doc today who suggested going on it for my panic, anxiety and depression. Trouble is, one of the things that panics me.. is taking medication. I have taken anti-depressants before, and got bad side effects and now am convinced that they are all going to make me feel more anxious and panicky. Hence the vicious cycle begins. So, at the moment I have declined.
One thing I have found on the site immediately is that I was doing the breathing all wrong! I have always thought its longer in breath than out... no wonder it wasn't working!
Anyway... I am so glad to have found you all and look forward to chatting more. I would love to talk about my specific symptoms and triggers, and see if anyone else gets them too.. Its so hard to talk to friends who have no idea what I am talking about and I am sure they think I am being ridiculous.
Sacoolcat :blush:

05-11-07, 18:58
Hi and :welcome:

It is spelt Citalopram but I knew what you meant anyway.

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help

05-11-07, 19:02
Hi Sacoolcat

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)
Make sure you check out the links also on the left hand side of this page, im sure you will find them of interest too.:)


05-11-07, 19:13
Hi and welcome.I have a fear of meds to.Im also on citalopram.
Im pleased I started to take it though.I did get side affects but they went off after two weeks.
I would say dont google,the worst thing you could ever do.It will only make your depression and anxiety alot worse. :hugs:

05-11-07, 19:25
Hi Welcome to NMP. Hope you enjoy your stay. You will make lots of friends and get great advice.

Take Care
I Believe That We All We Get Better!

05-11-07, 19:25
Hi and thank you for your replies... Its so nice to know there are people out there who understand..

I agree about not googling! I know it usually makes me feel worse so I will try not to do it.

Can you tell me what the side effects were? My main panic time is while driving... I get this horrible feeling that I am going to faint... This is why I am so scared to take meds as I worry that will get worse. I do drive, and of course I have never fainted.. Motorways are my worst... but any situation where I feel trapped, cant get out... that is my trigger.

Thanks again so much..

05-11-07, 19:31
Hi there - I had CBT for my driving problems last year.

You may want to read this post ....


05-11-07, 22:05
Hi sacoolcat and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

05-11-07, 22:23
Hi Sacoolcat,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

05-11-07, 22:31
Hello Sacoolcat:welcome:to you!

I also was prescribed Citalopram - and found this site while googling for information about it lol !!

Yes, the side effects can be very horrible and I don't like taking meds either - but I'm so glad I stuck it out. The meds and this site certainly played a major part in bringing me to the stage I'm at today.

Glad you found us - pleased to meet you! Plenty of help and support here!


06-11-07, 01:16

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

06-11-07, 02:12
Hello And Welcome To The Site.....linda

06-11-07, 09:39
Hi again and thank you so much to everyone for being so welcoming.

I have looked at the post about diary of CBT for driving, and that is really helpful. I am being referred for CBT too, although will only get about 3 sessions. I hope they help.

Meanwhile, I have tried Rescue Remedy, (keep constant supply in my car!) playing loud music, singing, talking to myself, window wide open... And none are great for me. I find it worse when I have a passenger talking to me.. It feels like they aren't there.. their voice is kind of in the distant.. Also I feel like the lines on the road are coming at me.. Its so awful.
Like Nicola, its roundabouts, traffic jams, road works etc. Anywhere where I feel I cant pull over. The worst are traffic cones moving across the carriage way so hard shoulder dissapears. With roundabouts, on not busy roads, I have been known to do a u turn to turn around and go a different way if there is too much traffic approaching a roundabout. Its all so stupid and makes me so angry with myself for being so silly.
Does anyone else feel these same feelings as me.. and get the same weird feeling of not really being there?
Look forward to more chats..

06-11-07, 21:09
Warm welcome to you, I am new to this site also. I started taking Citalopram 4 days ago,I'll be honest having side effects from them, blurred vision and very tired, I am riding it out as apparently they only last for a couple of weeks, after only 7 weeks of suffering I have resided myself to the fact that they will help me break the cycle I am in.

I too have the fear cycle reading up on side effects almost makes you believe you will get the symptons but realistically any meds i.e paracetamol has side effects but do we worry about taking that probably not.

Good Luck,