View Full Version : Massive HA spike after dr's appointment - bowels

25-01-21, 17:16
I had a doctors appointment today to discuss some changes to my bowel habits. Over the past couple of months I've needed to poop more often than usual (from one to two times a day). I have suffered with excessive, foul smelling gas and bloating for longer than this (1- 2+ years).

The doctor said he was quite confident it was nothing serious given my age (26), but wants to do some blood tests anyway. This naturally has caused my HA to spiral after not being as bad for quite a while (on medication for HA). The more I have thought the worse it has gotten.

In passing the doctor said that symptoms of bowel cancer would normally be a greater increase in frequency than from one to two, would have weight loss, and blood and mucus in stool. Whilst I don't have blood in the stool - I do have mucus every now and then and has been the case for at least a year or two so this made me worry more!

I've also remembered that the last time I had a blood test (3-4 years ago) it came back that I was slightly anaemic and they planned on doing a follow up blood test - but this never took place. I'm male and understand anaemia isn't too common in men.Now, being in HA overdrive, I can't help but think what if the anaemia is related to an issue in my bowel - that has now gone undetected for 3-4 years. I believe the blood test I am to have will look for signs of anaemia so if this is still the case or has worsened I will be terrified.
