View Full Version : Intense jaw tightness over last few days

26-01-21, 16:17
My health anxiety has been very bad lately due to other issues I've been having, and a few days ago I noticed my jaw muscles feeling tight, and the last couple of days they've become so tight it feels like a real pressure in there. I occasionally get twitches in my chin too.
I am trying to relax my jaw but it keeps on going tight. Is this normal?! As in -the type of jaw tension you get from stress -can it feel like this? It is very clunky too when I open it wide or when eating -I often get a bit of clunkiness but it's extremely clunky the last 2 days. It only seemed to be gone in the night and didn't really notice it when I woke up but then it was there again soon after.
Would appreciate some thoughts or experiences -is this the sort of thing that can be 'just' stress? I've never experienced this before.
Thanks so much!

26-01-21, 16:56
It's usually from subconscious jaw clenching or teeth grinding. You won't even notice you're doing it.

Make a conscious effort to keep your jaw slack over a period of days/weeks, and stretch it open from time to time.

26-01-21, 17:41
Agree with AJoe. We tend to tense our bodies in various ways (most times unconsciously) when stressed, with leads to physical symptoms.

Positive thoughts