View Full Version : Lymph Node above collarbone react to vaccine?

26-01-21, 22:11
I’m a major health anxiety gal. I’ve been doing so well with it for the past 5 years. Now I’m triggered again and looking for advice.

I received the Covid vaccine on January 18 (a week ago). No issues but a sore arm. 5 days later I move my arm and notice pain above my collarbone. I feel the area and notice a rather large lump and it’s sore. So I do what I know I shouldn’t and check to see what it is online. Of course it’s the worst lymph node to be swollen and now I think the worst. It’s a supraclavical node on the left side.

I called to the health department to ask about this and they don’t know. Just said wait and see. Well I can’t do that. :)

Anyone on here have any guidance with this so I can function until my doc can see me?

Thanks in advance!

26-01-21, 22:39
Sorry but I agree - wait and see

26-01-21, 23:01
Omg! I had this last year! It was my left collarbone lymph node too. It took about a week for it to go down. It’s still there but much smaller. I got it in response to the flu vaccine. Pretty much the same feeling as you. Soreness and a painful swollen node there. Don’t google this one!

26-01-21, 23:35
Omg! I had this last year! It was my left collarbone lymph node too. It took about a week for it to go down. It’s still there but much smaller. I got it in response to the flu vaccine. Pretty much the same feeling as you. Soreness and a painful swollen node there. Don’t google this one!

Thank you both for the reply.

25-04-21, 18:34
I have this now- about 10 days after receiving vaccine. Above collarbone right- side of vaccine. I had a major freak-out yesterday but reading this is reassuring. No one else notices this but us HA sufferers I guess

07-09-21, 09:39
Got this yesterday, 7 days after the vaccine, basically no other side effects, my wife has a slightly enlarged gland on back of her neck too.

Seems to be becoming more common & swollen glands is a side effect on the info I got, found a few links about it if that helps anyone (yes I did google this :)):
https://www.jpgmonline.com/article.asp?issn=0022-3859;year=2021;volume=67;issue=3;spage=180;epage=1 81;aulast=Roca

Makes sense to me (even if anything gland related is scary when you have HA), vaccine is triggering an immune response which involves your glands too & immunity doesn't take effect (from my understanding) until at least 2 weeks has passed.

How long did this last for everyone else?

07-09-21, 15:54
We didn't get any nodes swelling from the COVID vax, just kinda yuck for a few days but my wife had a reaction to the flu vax. The node under her arm swelled a bit and she was sore but went away after a day or so. Pretty normal stuff if you ask me.


15-09-21, 03:33
About 5 or so days after getting my first shot I got a swollen node in my armpit in the arm I got the shot in. It hurt a little but nothing too bad. I called the pharmacy and the pharmacist told me it was common with the vaccine, said something about not having mammograms for X amount of time afterwards for that reason.

16-09-21, 05:40
Just to update, the tender node I had from the vaccine is now nearly back to normal (2 weeks after 1st vaccine), was sore for about 4-5 days & now it seems to be getting smaller each day. Read it can take 10 weeks to completely go back to normal.

Seems like this & swelling in the armpit is getting more & more reported from vaccines as well as a thing called "covid arm" where your body reacts 1 week or more after the vaccine & you can get an itchy arm with swollen nodes on the injection side. All normal vaccine reactions apparently.