View Full Version : Falling into the neuro dark hole :( Babinski?

26-01-21, 23:06
Hey everyone! Hope everyone is coping and doing well.

I’ve had such a strange few months since September. Starting with swallowing issues, then speech, etc; Now it’s my left leg. It feels funny when I walk. Now I’ve had a restless feeling in it since yesterday. Maybe it’s my new workout? I don’t know. But neuro disorders like ALS are on my mind. I googled stupidly and saw the babibski reflex. I’ve done this several times now with a key, a pencil, etc; NO response! It freaked me out. I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to care. I know I’m going to keep checking and I really really don’t want to. I want to get out of this rabbit hole. But I know I won’t stop til I see a negative or positive response. But I’m afraid of checking over and over again. What if I get a positive response? Please someone help :(

26-01-21, 23:24
You need to treat the underlying problem here - the HA? So what are you doing about that?

26-01-21, 23:28
You need to treat the underlying problem here - the HA? So what are you doing about that?

Agreed. Addressing the root issue is the solution. Googling and preforming self tests you're not even close to being qualified to do is self destructive and the cause for the spiral.

Positive thoughts