View Full Version : I'm going insane!!!

05-11-07, 20:43
Just joined this evening doing everything possible to get tips and help at the moment............
Suffered for the last 7 weeks to some of you this may seem very short, don't really know where it started......but i am focusing on every sympton thinking its something really bad. i know deep down its Anxiety cause had all the tests but still can't seem to rationalize it. Started taking Citalopram 2 days ago, feel bad with it or do I?? Is is just in my head?? Got blurred vision, and the feeling of shaking internally anyone else had similiar symptons?? I am hoping they work........having counselling also not sure thats for me. Any advice much appreciated.
Good luck to all of you out there

05-11-07, 20:48
Hi Clare,

Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy your stay. Have a good read on the left hand side. There's loads of good advice there.

Hope to see ya around soon.Remember you aren't alone.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!!!!

05-11-07, 21:00
hello clair - i've had anxiety for 5 months now and i know at the start , you go through every possible disease and condition known to man, but the help and support of this site has done me wonders lets me get out all my worrisome thoughts

it gets easier. and from what i heard with the meds it takes about 2 weeks to kick in and gets worse before it gets a whole lot better

welcome to the site and good luck