View Full Version : Heart palpatations, please help......

05-11-07, 20:53
Please, if anyone can offer me some words of assurance, then I would really, really, really appreciate it.

I woke up last night to change my baby son at 4am and when I got back to bed, I found that I had a couple of palpitations and that horrible sort of pins and needle tingle in my left hand. Now, I have had this once before when I was under a fair amount of stress, but never in the early morning. I also have had what feels like a recurring muscular ache just underneath my left pectoral that sometimes goes up to the base of my throat. It’s quite mild, but it seems to be more noticeable when I have had a bout of the palps.

I have a real problem acknowledging the stressful factors that affect me and because of this, when I have any symptoms of anxiety, I think I’m dying. Tell me if you think that any of the following might be causing my anxiety….

We have a 9 week old son and are currently living 200 miles away from any family or relations.

I am in the second year of my degree and the pressure is starting to increase noticeably.

My Mum is still grieving my Dads death 18 months ago and she is one of the people living 200 miles away from us.

Mum lost her brother to a heart attack four weeks ago.

But the truth is that until 4am this morning, I didn’t feel anxious or stressed but now I’m absolutely frantic as I’m sure that this reappearance of the palpitations is the pre cursor to a heart attack. I don’t smoke, don’t drink excessively, eat pretty much healthily and on average walk for an hour a day, but I’m terrified that my anxiety in the past might have weakened my heart. I had an ECG about 20 months ago and the doctor said that my heart was fine, and that the palps were down to anxiety, but this sort of muscular ache is freaking me out.

Has anyone else had such symptoms and do you think that I am over reacting to these possible stress triggers??

Your thoughts would be very, very welcome.


05-11-07, 21:00
Hi Dan,

Hope that you are feeling better by now. Sounds to me just like typical anxiety symptoms. Getting woke up might have brought them on.

I use to have the same thing, not so much anymore. I know that they are scarey, but don't let the anxiety win. You can beat this.

Having a baby, and not being around family can also be adding to the mix.

Have you been doing relaxations or deep breathing excerises?

Take Care
I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

Sarah Lou
05-11-07, 21:23
Hi Dan
From experience, I would say your symptons sound anxiety/stress related.
I have a 17 month old Son, who has woken me every night since the day he was born and the lack of sleep makes my anxiety worse. My Mum also lives about 120 miles away, and not having your close family around to help can make things feel a hundred times tougher. When you add your study, and the loss of your Dad to the equation, I would say it's no surprise you feel stressed.
Have you tried some relaxation methods? (hard I know when there's so much to do - but you must find time for yourself occasionally) and don't be afraid to ask your doc for the reassurance you need - that's what they are there for.
Hope you feel better soon.
Sarah Lou :)

05-11-07, 21:28
Hi Dan,
I feel for you I really do. I really want to reassure you, these symptoms definately seem linked to anxiety. I had the heart palpitations (they can strike at anytime especially if you have been "startled" for some reason or other). I read somewhere (I'll give you the name of the book in a minute) that those palpitations, which are due to anxiety and an overstimulated and overtired nervous system, will not damage your heart. They are alarming but you just need to take deep breaths breathing out slowly and let your heart race until it decides to slow down, remembering that it is a good heart merely temporarily over-stimulated (I'm kind of quoting here by the way but it so well said) and that such stimulation will not harm it and will soon cease.
A sharp knife-like pain under the heart is also a symptom of sensitized involuntary nerves (due to anxiety) and also pins and needles in the hands and feet.
Two years ago I had exactly the same as you. I live in a different country from my family, and I too had just had a baby then. I was very tired, very anxious (first time mother) and when those symptoms stroke I thought the worst. Just like you.
The good news is, I got better, and now after my second baby I'm NOTHING like that. I feel free, happy and balanced!! I enjoy life to the full (although still a bit health anxious sometimes but very mildly, let's say "health aware" :blush: ). I'm sure you will too, have faith in yourselves, you will do it!

05-11-07, 21:42
Hi Dan

Take a look at these links too hun, they may reassure you too.:hugs:



05-11-07, 22:33
caring for your young son is a stressful in its own right without all the rest going on in your life.all of the things going on in your life is bound to take effect on your body,sometimes your body is stressed without you even knowing it.I have palps all the time and yes its very hard to keep it in perspective but you CAN and WILL beat this.Dan your going to be fine,we all are:yesyes:

05-11-07, 22:41
hey, thank you everyone.

It feels good to know that some of you guys have had similar symptoms. I have been working so hard over the last couple of weeks; 14 hour days of study and then everything else on top. Plus, I have been putting a LOT of pressure upon myself as I really want to get a first when I graduate. I know I don't need to be adding extra stress like that but this degree means so much to me and I need to know that I'm doing everything I can to get the best grades possible.

The aching doesn't seem so bad at he moment and in a small sliver of rational thought this afternoon, I suddenly realised how physically tired I am and that this might too be contributing to the palps etc.....I'll keep an eye on it.

Thanks again eveyone, you words are really helpful :)