View Full Version : Breathing worry/sometimes feels like I can’t take a deep breath.

29-01-21, 04:19
I know this is such a common anxiety thing. I KNOW it’s all anxiety too. I hate this symptom sooo much. I sometimes feel like I can’t take a deep breath like I’m supposed to. But this only happens when I concentrate on my breathing. Sometimes it happens while I’m in bed and sleepy, when I begin yawning a lot and have that feeling of not being able to take the deep breath.

But lately it has been bad while driving. I don’t understand!! I hate it. I almost get anxiety now before I have to drive because I know my mind will begin to do the breathing thing and while I drive I almost feel so restricted and I think to myself what if I can’t take a deep breathe while on the highway and I can’t stop on the side of the road. This begins my anxiety and makes me overly conscious of my breathing.

Anyone else experience this? How have you dealt with it?

29-01-21, 13:13
Yes it's very common indeed.

I have suffered with this many time and all you can really do is practice not paying attention to it and not trying to keep taking a deep breath. By continually trying to take a deep breath you put yourself in a mild state of hyperventilation, which makes you feel short of breath.

Breathe through the nose, focus on other things. It will pass or you will stop thinking about it eventually.

29-01-21, 13:18

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


29-01-21, 13:18
Try a gulp, it resets you a bit. Also, try to unclench your hands if they are on the steering wheel and relax them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

31-01-21, 03:25
I get all if this. I just remind myself that its all anxiety related and try to distract myself when it happens. It has slowly gotten better over time but it still happens and I still get anxious about it every time. Play some of your favorite music and sing along. That will distract you from the breathing issue. And just remember its all anxiety and you are in fact breathing

04-02-21, 12:07
I used to experience this. I'd get really focussed on my breathing and grow concerned. Easy answer? Measure your blood oxygen levels with your phone. All modern phones have this feature. Instant relief in the knowledge you're just holding your abdominal muscles tightly or sitting with bad posture or simply overthinking.

There's more to be said on how to address your mental chatter and habits.

Feel free to email me anytime: william_taylor@hotmail.co.uk

04-02-21, 12:22
Easy answer? Measure your blood oxygen levels with your phone.

I'm sorry, I just don't think this is good advice. Much of HA behavior is ingrained with OCD tendencies and self checking can become an obsessive habit and and can and does cause more anxiety and stress. The OP has a long history but this post is actually encouraging in that she recognizes it as anxiety. The not so easy but obvious answer is to address the root cause.

Positive thoughts