View Full Version : New Dentist Tomm!!!!

05-11-07, 22:27
Hi All:D

Well tomm Im gonna see a new dentist:wacko:

I had to leave my nice private one a couple of years ago cos he was soooo expensive:weep:

I found another NHS one but he wouldent get on and sort out fillings I knew I needed:lac:

Then he broke a patients jaw extracting a tooth:lac:

So I went on a waiting list for a newly opened practise and 4 months later finally got an appt:yesyes:

Im not overly anx about it but soooo scared I will have to have loads of treatment cos my teeth are in quite a bad way thanks to last dentists negligence:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

05-11-07, 22:32
Good luck, I really hope that all goes well :yesyes:

Just a small suggestion (but one that works for me when I need to visit the dentist) I always try and arrive at the last minute rather than sit in the waiting room and panic for 10 or 15 minutes about what might happen.

I was dreading my appointment today but it was fine and I am sure your one will be too. And my NHS dentist is a lot cheaper than a private one I know!!!

05-11-07, 22:33

I need to see a dentist as I have 2 back teeth that I can't eat on and they need capping.

The thing that freaks me the most is the injection. When my mouth goes numb I panic!!

They won't do it without numbing it so I have so far refused to have it done.

In the past I have fillings without an injection and I suffer the pain but this is a big job so I know they will insisit on it!

I keep putting it off - well apart from the cost of it as well I don't like being stuck in a chair practically upside down!

05-11-07, 23:22
Aaw Kaz -

Can't think of anything profound to say to you - cuz I hate going to the ruddy dentist too....but......

'ere's a 'uge 'ug fer ya !!




05-11-07, 23:28
Good luck tomorrow Kazz,Huggies for you:hugs: :hugs:
:bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

05-11-07, 23:48
Cheers all:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-11-07, 00:05
Good Luck Kazzie. You are going to be fine.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

06-11-07, 00:08
Good luck Kaz :hugs: I'm sure you will be fine and cope well though :yesyes:

Lisa x

06-11-07, 00:23
I'm sure everything will be fine Kaz, dentists are lovely people and they're more than aware of the scary stigma attatched to them! Just focus on your lovely sparkling smile after any work that you may have to have done :D


06-11-07, 00:53
Good luck for tomorrow Kazz :yesyes:


Trac xxxx

06-11-07, 20:15
Good luck Kazzie, hope it goes well for you.

love Mags xxxx

06-11-07, 20:30
Thanks Everyone:hugs:

Well sat here all day and phone goes at 3 pm!!!

Dentist has gone sick with flu!!!

Got a new appt on 19th Nov grrrrr

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-11-07, 20:31
awwwwwww Bless you Kazzie.

Take Care
I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

06-11-07, 20:36
What does the dentist of the year get??? A little plaque!!!

Bad joke aside, sorry to hear that your appointment didn't happen today, hope all goes well on the 19th.

Take care

06-11-07, 22:10
Thats terrible Kazz:hugs:

06-11-07, 23:02
Awww Kaz :hugs: I hate it when we psych ourselves up for something and it gets cancelled!

Lisa x

07-11-07, 00:00
Aaw, aint that just ruddy like it Kaz?

Ah well, we'll just have to keep you supplied in hugs until the 19th then lol !!



07-11-07, 20:42
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: