View Full Version : Occasional night sweats.

29-01-21, 16:11
Hello everyone, I’m writing because it’s been about the last three months that I wake up slightly sweaty- not drenched or anything just with a slight film on my arms/ elbow creases and chest.

It typically happens 1-2 nights before my period so I was just attributing it to that. This month it’s happened 3 times about 7-8 days apart, again not drenching just light sweat.

I eat super super healthy, lost 30 lbs this past year, went plant based-work out a lot, eliminated all toxins in cosmetic/ soaps,have a nutrient packed diet, an under the care of a functional medicine dr with a lot of supplements, and haven’t been carrying much stress. I thought maybe could be a supplement... but it’s too inconsistent. Recent blood work ( I had a massive 15 vile blood draw) showed I’m all within range except vitamin d which we are working to get up.

I wasn’t concerned but it keeps happening. I’m only 31, so I thought it could be hormones but I mean... isn’t that a little young?

Of course I google and we all know what comes up.

No other symptoms tho- I feel the best I have in years.

29-01-21, 16:16
I am the same at the moment. Waking up with soaking wet hair, sweat under armpits, breasts and in groin area.

No idea why either. Could be hormonal but then I am 54.

If it carries on another 2 weeks I will ask doctor about it.

29-01-21, 16:32
Hmm yeah see for you it sounds hormonal- your at the age where that’s likely what it is.

And for me like I said it’s not every night- it’s like 2-3 times a month and usually around my cycle-

I have no other symptoms and tons of energy...

I have a call with my dr who watches hormones on Thursday- in the meantime I’m just trying not to worry

29-01-21, 17:51
Ok well mine is daily so if yours is around your cycle then that will be why.

29-01-21, 18:05
I'm the same as you Nic, I have this daily too. For me it's my medications that cause it. Swings and round abouts.

29-01-21, 18:07
Night sweats for me too. So much so, sometimes I have dry myself with a towel.

29-01-21, 18:14
I'm the same as you Nic, I have this daily too. For me it's my medications that cause it. Swings and round abouts.

Same here, wake up drenched in sweat most nights, think its the Citalopram did it to me before when i took it. Its a trade off though, be calmer happier & less anxious by day or sweat at night.

30-01-21, 08:12
Hmm yeah see for you it sounds hormonal- your at the age where that’s likely what it is.

And for me like I said it’s not every night- it’s like 2-3 times a month and usually around my cycle-

Which also makes it hormonal. :shrug: