View Full Version : Urgent repsonses would be appreciated

05-11-07, 22:56
I was driving to work this morning and got a quick sharp pain go across the top of my head. Now I have a mild headache in my forehead and my head feels kinda tight.

I am in a state of panick now thinking the worst is going to happen.

I do get those sharp pains that alot of people describe on here, but today I am panicking cause the pain was in a different spot to where I usually get them.

Could it be migraine related?? I do suffer from Migraine Associated Vertigo.


05-11-07, 23:06

Did it come and go - these are called head zaps and happen all the time to me?

05-11-07, 23:12
Hi Nicola,

It did come and go very quickly.

It was like a line going across my head and I kind of felt it in my neck.

My neck is tight today and the tightness is also up to my left ear.

Are headaches common with these head zaps???

06-11-07, 01:20
Should I be worrying????

06-11-07, 07:21
Hi Mate

No don't worry- especially if you have felt something like this before- even if in a different place.
Try and relax ... you are ok.....

Big hug

06-11-07, 07:34
I wouldn't worry it sounds like you are getting stressed because of the "zaps" hence the aching neck and other aches. Sus is right you need to try and relax:hugs:

06-11-07, 14:00
hi debstar
i too got them yesterday it was it a place where i don,t usually get them
they did freak me put a little but they seem to have gone now(touch wood!!!!!)
its nice to know that we are not alone:)