View Full Version : Horrible day.......

Sarah Lou
05-11-07, 22:59
I'm sorry to moan but I have had a horrible day and can't even tell you why! I woke up exhausted (my youngest still doesn't sleep through at 17 months) and my day/mood just didn't improve even though I tried really hard to relax and smile. I've been feeling sort of really uptight and anxious all day and then notice the aches and pains kicking in. It's now late, I'm knackered and I have calf ache which has been bugging me since this afternoon (my fear of DVT!). It's a vicious circle as I keep rubbing my leg, which in turn makes it worse, which then makes me more aware of it so I get more anxious and then start rubbing it again! My common sense tells me to leave it alone and it will go away but I just can't. I've also now got shoulder ache (from having my shoulders around my ears I suspect) and I just wish it would all leave me alone! :weep: Even the news made me cry at t time!!
This health anxiety just gets me soo down some days. I don't have anyone to talk with as my husband (although a star in lots of ways) just doesn't understand stress of any sort and won't 'indulge' me. (His words not mine)

Does anyone else have regular days like this? Where you feel the anxiety in you but no amount of trying helps you relax? And you don't even know what the trigger is? At least when the aches and pains come first I recognise that they cause my anxious feelings!
Think I might go to bed and try and settle.......just felt the need to share this....hope you guys don't mind.

thanks :blush:
Sarah Lou

06-11-07, 00:14
Hi Sarah,

Hope that you are feeling some better now. Yes we all have these type of days hun. Alot of it is coming from not enough sleep. Are you napping during the day when the baby does? Are you doing your relaxation and deep breathing exercises? These will also help.

Hope that you soon can sleep thru the nights.

Take Care
I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

Sarah Lou
06-11-07, 20:55
Thanks guys for your replies, they are really appreciated. I did try my breathing exercises yesterday but for some reason I just could not make myself chill....I think it was just one of those days where your so wound up nothing works! And to be honest I don't often get 5mins to myself so it's harder to wind down then.
I have had a better day today (hooorah!) and you are right about the lack of sleep....everything feels worse when your tired out! Hopefully my Son will soon see the error of his ways and give me 8hrs of blissful snoozing!!:yesyes:

Feel free to contact me if your ever having a bad day.
Sarah Lou x

06-11-07, 21:00
Hi Sarah

Lovely to hear you have had a better day today hun, just wanted to send you a hug :hugs:


Sarah Lou
06-11-07, 21:57
Thankyou for my hug honeybee.......made me smile :) x