View Full Version : Worried

06-11-07, 02:14
Ok I didn't want to post another msg but i guess i will..

Things have got worse and i have another dr appt on the 14th of this month. Okay for this past month my light headedness has been out of control with other combined symtoms that i will list below..

All day i feel;
-Constant bad lightheadedness
-bad headaches
-blury eye sight
-tightness in head (back of head, top of head front of head)
-sore neck (right at the back, below the hairline to the shoulder area)
-sore eyes
-very tired feeling
-feels like i'm going to fall over or pass out
-once in a while my ear will pop and everything will go hollow for about 10 seconds.
-everything seems too bright

These are symtoms i've been having everyday while at work and most are carried over when i go home.. What i am trying to say is.. Should i be vert worried? Or is this common for anxiety? Most of the time its mainly the light headedness and tighness in the head with headaches..

I'm so worried and i can wait until my dr appt..

Any comments would be great. And people around me dont want to hear me complain anymore they are sick of it! Please anyone..

06-11-07, 05:13
Hi Joe

All seems pretty typical of abnxiety to me. I too have similar sypmtoms.

Lightheadedness - normal anxiety sypmtom and try and breather a little slower and deeper. I breathe in for a count of 4 hold for quick count of 7 and exhale for 8 seconds. This helps. Then I do 3 seconds in then 3 seconds out breathing.
Headaches/ sore base of neck and shoulders/ tightness- all tension in your muscles from you being nervous and tense really common- i even get a sore jaw from clenching and grininding teeth
Eye strain - tension in muscles which help your eyes focus i think
Tired- constant fro worrying- it takes alot of energy plus all that body tension
Ears- My pychologist says it affects your hearing.
Brightness- tension related I feel

i think it sounds like typical anxiety and i bet many others suffer this too Try not to worry mate - you are ok.
Big hug

06-11-07, 05:22
Hi Joe - I'm not being dismissive at all, so please forgive me for my short reply. Every symptrom you have given is typicall of anxiety.

Its the thinking that leads us to belive otherwise, but read the forums, read Nics notes (left hand side of the screen) about each condition. While this won't make you better overnight, it may help to realise you are not alone.


06-11-07, 11:08
Hi, don't worry, it all sounds anxiety related, I also got that 2 years ago during a bad bout of anxiety. But because the symptoms occurred at a time when I wasn't anxious, I really panicked and booked medical appointment after medical appointment, googled it big time and convinced myself I had ms.
I even dragged my husband and young baby to the doctors (emergency appointment) on an Easter week end to get to the bottom of it.
My husband was absolutely fed up but still supportive, he instinctly knew there was nothing wrong with me and the first thing the doctor asked me is:
"Are you feeling a bit anxious at the moment. No, you probably don't have ms."
I had every single one of your symptoms by the way. I got freaked out by every single one of them, and one day I read a book about anxiety and what effect it could have on your nervous system and do you know what?
The same evening, some of my symptoms disappeared all together. Just by acceptance.
It's good to know millions of people have been there. Relax, accept the symptoms and they will go away, little by little, with a bit of experience.
Good luck to you! YOu'll be fine.
P.S: By the way I think that the photosensitivity thing (everything seems too bright) could be due to the fact that because when you're anxious you clench your teeth a lot without realizing it, it puts a strain on you tmj (temporomandibular joint) which causing photosensitivity. I'm sure I read that somewhere, I'm not 100% sure though.
Try to see if you clench you teeth a lot and try to stop yourself from doing it to see if the photosensitivity stops.
Take care.

06-11-07, 11:38
hi i to have experienced those symtoms its all anxiety related you certainly are not alone in time you will feel better .it stopped me from gouing out and doing normal every day things like going to work etc .now with the help from meds and doctor and this site five months down the line i feel a bit better and you will to it just takes time .tc elaine x

07-11-07, 02:48
Hello again everyone, Thanks for all the feeback...

Well anyway i made it through another day and today was bad i just can't wait until my dr appt. I was light headed all day but for about the last 2 hours of my shift at work i pretty much had to hold onto something i honestly felt like i was going to pass out! i again had bad pressure in my head and could hardly stand up.. I just dont get how this can be anxiety :( My head feels like its full of air pressure and i can hardly keep my balance.. Man this is freaking me out.. I hope my doctor can do something beacuse i can't take too much more of this...

07-11-07, 02:59
Hi Joe - it sounds like anxiety, but going to your doc is exactly the right thing to do. There are a number of conditions which can make you feel this way, aside from anxiety, but I'm not going to list them. Googling is about the worst thing anyone with anxiety can do.

What I will say (even though not medically qualified, and in no way should you take this as gospel), that in 98% of these conditons they are cured very simply.

Try not to worry. See your GP, and let us know how you get on.


07-11-07, 03:53
A little more info about me... I've had bad light headedness constant for over a year now.. about 6 months ago i had a bunch of tests done.. ie; ct scan, blood work, ekg and everything checked out.. And for about 2 months i had bad chest pain which was constant, After a chest x-ray and blood work, and being hooked up on a heart monitor for 3 hours they ruled that anxiety.. oddly enough a few days later the pain in the chest that lasted 2 months went away like magic..

Although now this light headedness is just like it was 6 months ago but now its with bad headaches, pressure feeling in the head and so on like i listed above.. I dont know this has me scared and worried... its gotten bad and i cant cope and do my normal duties everyday.. I hope my doctor can do something!

07-11-07, 04:07
A fellow Canadian!

Your posts are so similar to what I feel. All night I have been lightheaded etc. I have been back and forth to the doctors so many times that it is actually scary.

Defintely like the others have said it is all very typical anxiety symptoms. I have alot of trouble believing that as well. I still worry that maybe it isnt anxiety but I somehow get through each day and things dont get worse so they must be right? I have little faith in doctors which doesnt help matters much.

I am sure that no matter how many doctors etc tell you that you are ok, you like most of us here may not believe it.
I am currently working with my therapist on "mindfullness". I really really think it may be a huge factor in dealing with health anxiety. Google mindfullness or even pick up a book called "wherever you go, there you are" by Jon Kabat Zinn. Also try listening to a CD of a relaxation excercise at bedtime. It may be hard to tune into it at first but keep trying and eventually your mind will be focused on it and not the symptoms etc.

I hope this post made sense! LOL If you ever need to talk feel free to message me. Good Luck!!

07-11-07, 10:47
joe it sounds to me like you have bad sinuses and i have exactly the same symptoms, do you ever get your head over a bowl of hot water with some olbas oil in it, see if that clears your head a bit, i actually got to bed with a wooly hat on as i always have window open at night and my body stays warm and my head freezes and that makes me feel bad when all the sinuses in my head freeze and then defrost its a wierd sensation but easily sorted ..

try it a nice face steaming i bet it helps.