View Full Version : Vision issues

01-02-21, 01:44
Hi everyone, I’ve been a long time reader on this forum but this is my first time posting.
for the last 9 months now, I’ve been having an issue with my vision flickering. Almost every morning when I wake up and first go into the light, or if I enter a bright room after being in the dark, every time I blink I get this flickering sensation in both eyes in my central vision. It’s like, a quick extra blink in between each blink if that makes sense. If I look at the wall and blink it’s very visibly there, flashing in both eyes. It happens for a few minutes until my eyes have adjusted to the light and then it goes away. I finally got the push to go to my eye doctor, who did a full exam and said my eyes were healthy and my vision is fine other then being slightly nearsighted and I have astigmatism, my prescription changed slightly but that was all. He said it could be the vitreous gel in my eye or it could but harmless photopsia but any research I’ve done says that these things present themselves as flashing lights in your peripheral vision, but this is more of a darker flicker in my whole vision. Has anyone experienced something similar ? Thank you for reading this far

01-02-21, 14:10
Frankly, that's a normal visual anomaly that you're hyper-focusing on. For example, we have room darkening curtains in our bedroom. This morning when I got up, I looked outside to see how bad the snow was (we had a storm the last two days). All that white and light practically blinded me and it took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust afterwards. Like I said, it's normal, you're just making into something it's not.

Positive thoughts

01-02-21, 21:28
Thank you for your response! It’s comforting to hear someone experience something similar

02-02-21, 02:16
I forgot to add, sometimes right when coming inside from the dark outside, if my move my eyes back and forth while I’m walking through a bright room, with each eye movement the flickering also happens. Again, once my eyes adjust to the light it stops.

02-02-21, 13:21
See... this affirms my point. Who, under normal circumstances, does such a thing as purposefully moving their eyes back and forth while walking through a well lit room from the dark? It's an odd self testing behavior that of course will cause a reaction and you're hyper-focusing, looking for anything odd to feed you narrative. And again, it's not something someone normally does nor even pays attention to :shrug:

Positive thoughts

02-02-21, 23:48
I appreciate you taking the time to respond! Having such bad anxiety and hyper focusing on things the way I do is truly life-consuming.