View Full Version : Cant handle the psychological symptoms

07-02-05, 18:51
Im sorry to keep posting about the psychological stuff, but Im really struggling.

I have now learned to pass through the physical symptoms of my anxiety and can tell myself that they will go away. Recently they have started to subside. I dont wretch as much as I used to and the palpatations are less regular.

The problem is that the 'unreal' feelings are getting worse. When I wake in the morning I am at my worst. I feel like a nothing. I have to try really hard to find my thoughts. If I had a dream before waking, I still feel part of it. I am constantly inside myself unless Im concentrating on something absorbing.

I have been told that I have to find a way to ground myself but dont know how. My thoughts seem to take over and I get into such a state that I question every little thing I do and say. If I have just said something out loud, I repeat it in my head and it doesnt seem real.
I know how this must sound. I ask myself constantly 'Is this normal'. Its such a struggle to get my head round. To everyone else I appear fine. I can function normally, get the kids ready for school, remember everything thats going on, so what is wrong with me.

Any suggestions on how to accept these feelings PLEASE.


07-02-05, 19:24
Hi Jude,

Well firstly a BIG congratulations on learning to pass through the physical feelings and benefiting from having less symptoms as a result . Thats brilliant progress already ..

**I am constantly inside myself unless Im concentrating on something absorbing. **
**My thoughts seem to take over**

This is normal at thsi stage . As you're not concentrating so much on physicall symptoms the brain latches onto something else - thoughst which for us are mainly negative is a good easy one ...

Practicals first - are you eating as soon as you get up - none of this feed kids first - you first - a banana will do- some brain food .

Also you would benefit from some brisk exercise early on - can you fit this in ?

Also try to keep busiest and distracted in am when you're buzzing and do relaxation practice later on .


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

07-02-05, 19:37

Well done on getting this far and coping with the symptoms.

Unfortunately it will still take time to get over all the problems associated with panic - it takes time and patience but it will come with practice and acceptance.

I found the depersonalisation feeling stayed with me for many years during the panic attacks but it slowly went.

I am sure it will get easier in time. You are doing well so far so keep it up ok but don't expect miracles just yet.

Take each day as it comes and stick at it ok.


07-02-05, 20:46
hello Jude,

You seem to be doing really well with the physical sysmptoms so well done!! :)

About the psychological symptoms - You say that the worst time for you is when you get up in the morning. I am the same. All I can suggest is that you make the time you get up as comfortable as it can be. For example, before I start my day, I relax a little. I have a nice, big cup of tea, I watch at least 30 min of TV as this 'brings me down to earth', have a snack, read my post, have a nice shower, etc. After this, I feel ready to start my day and am normally in a very good mood.

I have just realised why I never manage to get out of the house before noon LOL

Sarah :D

08-02-05, 00:32
Dead normal.
Been there and got the t-shirt on that one.

I stamp my feet and touch something solid (like the floor or wall).
It helps to remind me that I am actually here.

I also colour in, and do some gardening. I find that helps a great deal.

Psychological symptoms are hard to beat, but the good news is it can be done with a lot of practice.

I have been known to re-arrange furniture, tidy up draws and cupboards and even sort out clothes for the charity shop just to keep my mind active.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

08-02-05, 07:30
Everyone is different, but anxiety is always very predictable. Meg is correct when she says;

"Also try to keep busiest and distracted in am when you're buzzing and do relaxation practice later on."

I'll give you a run down of my morning just to let you know what I'm talking about.

I get up when I wake (well the last time I wake at 5:00am) and get dressed straight away. Then I have a coffee (decafe) and a breakfast bar and sit and talk with my wife while she gets ready for work. When she has left at 5:30am I then go and have a wash and shave. Then I wash the pots, do the washing and hoover. After that I read this forum's new messages and check my email. Next I either read or play video games to keep my mind distracted and away from ME-ME-ME. At around 9:30am I'll take my dog a walk and when I get back I wait for my wife to call on her break at 10:15am. After that I again check the forum and email, surf the net for about 15 minutes and then go back to my reading or gaming. By this time it is getting near to 12-1pm and I take the dog out again. Now its the afternoon and I'm at my best, so I do whatever I feel like doing and generally relax. :)

Remember, all this is about getting better. It doesn't have to be anything "worthy" just do whatever you want that helps. Imagine you had a broken leg, would you expect yourself to be firing on all cylinders? Of course not, so treat yourself kindly and indulge yourself. Do the nice things, look after yourself, and remember to keep your mind occupied or it will run around and be naughty. ;)



08-02-05, 09:25
So do you think I should just try to distract myself instead of trying to work out why I feel like this. It seems the more I try to analize it, the worse it gets and I end up thinking'I need to ring the doctor cos Im insane'
I have been trying to follow Claire Weekes advice and face my fear, but I cant do it with this mind stuff. Probably because I dont feel rational at the time.
If I try to distact myself and take my mind off it, isnt that like running away?


08-02-05, 09:53
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">So do you think I should just try to distract myself instead of trying to work out why I feel like this. It seems the more I try to analize it, the worse it gets and I end up thinking'I need to ring the doctor cos Im insane'
I have been trying to follow Claire Weekes advice and face my fear, but I cant do it with this mind stuff. Probably because I dont feel rational at the time.
If I try to distact myself and take my mind off it, isnt that like running away?


<div align="right">Originally posted by jude - 08 February 2005 : 09:25:53</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi again Jude,

If you want to understand why you feel like you do then I suggest you read about it and let the experts explain, and read the messages on the forum. Your job is to get better, and by doing things that keep your mind away from thinking about why you feel like you do, and worrying, you are giving yourself time to recover.

Just think of it like a car engine that is playing up. If you continued to thrash it and speed around town it would soon start to cough and splutter, but if you repaired it and put the correct oil and fuel into it then it would run as smooth as silk.
Distraction is not running away, it is a positive step forward and will help tackle the problems you are experiencing at the moment.

Don't be afraid Jude, your perfectly normal and are not going mad. Your just going through a period of ill health that will end.



08-02-05, 10:11

Thankyou for listening. When I read your reply I could feel relief calming me down inside.
I shall stop trying to work it all out now. I spend hours surfing the internet for explanations, hoping, stupidly, that something will register in my mind and I will be cured instantly.[:I]
I know now that it isnt going to happen like that.
Im waiting on an appointment with a CPN, but to be honest, I think the people on this forum are going to help more than any doctor. Im so glad your all here.


Jude x

08-02-05, 13:02
I'm pleased you felt calmer Jude. Well done, you did that, because you actually believed yourself when you read it. :D

Everyone here is the same as you, we are all here for each other. As to surfing the net to find things out, well I think we all do it, as long as it isn't all you do on the net there is no harm. Just remember that everything on the net isn't fact. Which is different to what you'll get here as we speak from experience.



08-02-05, 15:29

There is no miracle cure . As Blue says its down to treating yourself well and healing from within.

Blue- hope you just missed out telling us about what else you had to eat and drink.

Whilst you're acute its best to eat very regularly - each 3 hours- a banana will do but just keep those sugar levels stable. Even if you've never had issues before - they may play up now as its all stressful and endocrine related .

Jude - decide what aspects of your life style you can alter and try those first along with distraction. Once you can do that well then you can tackle the challenging and changing the thoughts - CBT bit.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

08-02-05, 21:20

Distraction works best for me - I'm getting depersonalisation and very morbid thoughts at the moment - thinking about other things is the most effective way I've found to tackle it.

I think we're all different and some things work for person x and not for person y - so maybe the Claire Weeks' approach won't work for you? I say whatever you find that works, go for it. Remember where we all are, we're here to help and listen

Good luck


09-07-05, 13:23
I know this message is relatively old, but I was just skimming the forum and came across it.
Jude - I have the exact thing going on. I hope you are doing better these days (since you first posted this).
I wish there was an easy way to deal with this, but I agree that distraction does seem to help somewhat.