View Full Version : what tests have you had done ?

06-11-07, 09:20
Thinking about all this , I realised that I am forever searching for what is wrong with me , and wondered how many people on here have had loads of tests ?

I have had ,

caloric test for balance.
brain stem test (using head phones).

and Im about to have ,
a hormone test and
hopefully a anemia test .

would like to have ..........

a MRI scan of my brain. ( blood leaks in my family)

and a full and complete heart check. ( in my family)


Elly 2
06-11-07, 09:44
Hi Mirry,
What are we like!
I have had
numerous ECG's, treadmill stress test, MRI scan, CT scan, too many blood tests to mention, Endoscopy, Gaulbladder scan in 2 weeks, and angiogram in 4 weeks.
Just reading this, I feel like a hypochondriac!! as all the tests done so far have been normal.
Surely my brain and common sense should tell me that I AM ok lol

06-11-07, 10:20
I'm a coward when it comes to tests :weep: Over the years the only tests I've had done are blood tests any other tests I've always cancelled because I'm too scared of what they'll find. xxx

06-11-07, 10:22
Hi Mirry,

I've had an endoscopy, a mole removed from my lower forearm, numerous blood tests, referrals to the breast clinic, tests for my balance, god knows how many eye tests lost count. I would like to have a colonoscopy done but i'm too scared also some heart tests as my mum has had a stroke.
Its scarey when you see it in black & white in front of you but good to know that other peeps are the same as well!!!!!!!!!!!!


06-11-07, 10:58
yes what are we like:blush: , but if we felt fine then we wouldnt be looking for answers would we. Maybe we are the ones who just cant accept its just plain old anxiety ? They do say acceptance is the key .

06-11-07, 12:29
I have had plenty of full blood counts (due to iron problems mainly), fertitin checks every 3 mths for the last year or so, CT scan of sinuses, liver, kidney, cholesterol & thyroid blood tests oh and ear pressure test.

I think thats me;-)

Elly 2
06-11-07, 14:01
You know it's got me thinking Mirry, from reading posts, we've all had various tests done and the results have been normal for us all. I'm wondering if we won't be happy until we have a test which is positive. BUT if that happened, instead of being relieved that finally someone had pinpointed a problem, we would DEFINITELY panic because we would be absolutely convinced that it would be something really sinister and that the worst was DEFINITELY going to happen. I'm chuckling to myself now, we as panickers are so hard to please lol
Again what ARE we like lol

06-11-07, 17:35
thats true elly ,

maybe tho if we got a test come back as incorrect then we would be so happy and say "I told you something was wrong " ,lol.

Must admit , we will be then be looking for the next thing maybe :blush: .

But what happen in our lifes to make us this way in the first place ?

I always think my mother talked about my nans cancer alot thru my childhood , infact nearly every day it was , shes going to see if the cancer growths are coming back in her bladder , shes going in to get more treatment , now shes got cancer in her womb, now shes got cancer in her spine .......and her sisters now got cancer , and your cousins got lukemia and on and on it goes ........actually thinking about it , its quite sad, I really believe this effected me alot , and the final thing was when my auntie died from a brain hemorrage in her early 40s.
Did you hear many bad things when you were young ?

06-11-07, 19:14
I never had any tests until this year (first panic attack) so far I have had 2 ECGs, spirometry for asthma, two women type ones :winks: and soon a sigmoidoscopy (camera in backside wish me luck :blush:). Also this year had first sight test since I was a child (in 30s now).

06-11-07, 20:20
Several eye tests, several full blood counts, hiv, several ultrasound scans for bladder, ovaries and kidneys and (I'm really ashamed about this one) when I was pregnant with my first baby I had 6 ultrasound scans :blush: :blush: :blush: I've wasted the nhs money.
Mirry you're right, when I look back my mum was very health conscious and used to talk about health issues A HELL OF A LOT, but she wasn't anxious about stuff.
My dad on the other hand isn't at all health conscious but is very anxious indeed.
Guess what traits I've inherited! Lucky me!:D

06-11-07, 21:02
Deep breath here goes - in last 18 mnths I have had following tests
endoscopy - hiatus hernia
Abdominal ultrasound 3 long standing tiny gallstones
pelvic ultrasound 2
aorta ultrasound
Hysteroscopy , biopsy and D&C
Fecal occult blood test 2
Coeliac test
Complete stool analysis
Food intolerance test
Blood tests as follows
thyroid every 3 mnths I am hypothyroid
Liver function 7
Kidney function 2
pancreas test
H pylori test
ESR test
Copper levels
Calcium levels
Fasting glucose
Sodium and potassium
Blood clotting factors
Iron Stores
Also had vaginal swabs and pelvic rxam
Urine tests
MRI of thoracic and lumbar spine ( severe spine problems )

I am waiting for colonoscopy plus another MRI of thoracic spine with contrast dye

The other problem with all these tests is that they often pick up things that are of little consequence like my thoracic MRI picked up a fibroneuroma attached to my spine measuring three quarters of inch accross. My neurosurgeon says I will have been born with it but because it has been found I nowhave to have another MRI with contrast injeciton!

In all these tests the only things I found out I already knew in that I have hiatus hernia, I have severe spinal problems ( herniated discs, degenerative disc disease and arthritis) and have had small gallstones for past 20 years!

I really don't want the colonoscopy but the Dr says they can't diagnose IBS without it so feel I have to go ahead.

I have had health anxiety since I was a small child when my grandmother who brought me up was diagnosed with diabetes and it was drumme dinto me that she oculdn't eat sweets or seh would be ill but she used to pinch my sweets. She then had a stroke and I found her unable to move or speak, I was 4 years old and then she went into hospital and died 6 months later so my only experience of illness was someone who I considered my mother got ill then went into hospital then died!!!!!!!!! By the time I was 6 years old I was terrified of illness and I suffered with bad asthma that my real mother refused to take seriously and wouldn't take me to a Dr until I was 7 yrs old and told me I was being silly during an attack. No wonder I am so screwed up:wacko:

Elly 2
07-11-07, 12:02
Hi Mirry, yes I did, my mother had various medical complaints and in the last stages of her life suffered constant pain. It would be interesting if others in here experienced the same. It must be a subconscious thing with us, from listening to parents/friends/relatives that it is always in our minds and we constantly ask ourselves "what if". Interesting thought.
Elly xx

07-11-07, 19:46
Anx-wise I've just had ECG, 24 hour tape and Balance Tests, with the odd blood test in for good measure :winks:

'Genuine' things - X-rays, Ultrasound scan (both due to emergency abdominal surgery) and lots of blood tests. I had a lot of X-rays when I broke my thumb as a kid! Oh and of course the mandatory 'lady' tests - although they've been recalling me for 18 months and I still haven't had it repeated.....

Not too many tests I don't think, but there is plenty of time!

xxx :flowers:

07-11-07, 19:51
hello had colonoscopy and lletz
heart trace
bloods lots taken

08-11-07, 13:25
trying to seperate what tests have been really necerssary and what are from anxiety.


chest X-rays
Barium swallow
fluroscopic swallow
small tube up the nose (twice!)
MRI of brain (!)
xrays of abdomen
internal ultrasound
blood tests
breast ultrasound
numerous blood tests
STD tests


Blood tests
internal examinations
xrays for fractures
poo tests (!)
STD tests

hmmmm... says it all really! never looked at it like that before...

08-11-07, 16:42
im scared of tests cos i am scared of findin out wat ive got. went for an mri when i had gallstones but completely freaked out and couldnt do it. im a big softie.

08-11-07, 17:26
Ive had:

Bloods: FBC
U &E
Brain CT scan
Pelvic scan
ECG(about 6 over the months and years)
Echo x1
24 Holter monitor x 3

These have been over the last three years
Hunny x

30-03-08, 22:26
In the last year I have had an MRI Scan and an EEG to check my brain as I fainted on two occasions. My Mri scan showed I had a small cyst in my brain which is apparently very common.

Also I have worn a 24 hour heart monitor, had an ultrasound on my heart, also had a tilt table test, these showed I had an heart mumur and I had fainted through stress, lack of sleep and not eating properly.

Also I had my blood checked and have been told I have got a B12 deficeincy.

30-03-08, 22:33
ultrasound chest abdomen
ultrasound uterus
throat mirror exam
throat endoscopy due this wednesday
breast lump removed ( infected lumph node)
several knee operations
cervical smears
vaginal swabs
colonic irrigation ( twice)
blood test diabetes
blood test thyroid
blood test iron

31-03-08, 17:04
Blimey! I need to harass my GP more! Seriously though, I do worry about money and the NHS - it does make you think doesn't it? Not wishing to put guilt on anyone, but I always feel guilty about having these tests. No wonder some of you have health anxiety though, rading your histories- it's a wonder you are still sane! i don't know where mine comes from - I think it's a control thing. And also watching 'Angels' with my Mum when I was little...

I have had: camera down throat, multitudes of blood tests, ultrasound of ovaries and ultrasound of kidneys. I feel quite left out of the MRI scan gang!

31-03-08, 21:54
I've not had any, except for diabetes tests. I'm too scared of the docs.

My mum had cancer when I was 17/18, and I spent 9 months looking after my then 5-year-old little brother. I've always wondered if that had something to do with my health anxiety...

03-04-08, 10:35
I was surprised to read you're scared of the docs... you seem v. wise(!)

Sorry to hear about your mum having suffered too.


03-04-08, 10:36
Believe me - wise I'm not, and scared I usually am!