View Full Version : night fever-any help?

06-11-07, 10:30
ive been posting a bit here lately, so sorry.

since my dog died last month, all my anxiety symptoms have come back with full force.

i am again- after months of hard work, now feeling sick most of the time now,headaches, lightheadedness, etc...

now, the last week, im waking up in the night again feeling like i have a temperature! sure something bad is wrong and crying myself to sleep.

my days are not great either, at home im kinda ok, feel ok in the mornings, go out and feel lightheaded and like my body is fighting an infection or something, then as soon as it gets dark i swear ive got a temperature....i fall asleep, but wake in the middle of the night convinced something bad is happening to my body.
am i alone in this?
im not coping at all at the moment.....pls,any help would be great....

06-11-07, 10:37
Hi Peach :hugs: If it's any help to you I too these past few days have been feeling kinda off too hun. Believe me you are not alone :) these past 2 days every part of my body aches from my head to my toes and I'm trying so so hard not to let my health anxiety run away with me. Have a big hug from me Hun and we will keep fighting this health anxiety cos we are strong people hugs: xxx

06-11-07, 19:23
Sorry to hear about your dog. :hugs:

06-11-07, 22:01
hi and thanks for your replies..
in my efforts to try to be positive ive been looking up symptoms of vitamin deficiency- omg, i have like half of most of the symptoms. my diet is bad to say the least and has been for a while-lots of bad foods, not much of the good stuff.

so ive decided to buy some multi vitamins and barley grass (ive had this before and does wonders for a bad stomach!)

so many symptoms like dizzyness, irritability, anxiety, tiredness, mouth ulcers..all of these i saw when i googled - symptoms of vitamin deficiency.....i got onto this when a friend- who is never sick or anxious (i hate those ppl- just jokes) she said she was lightheaded and had slightly blurry vision for a while- she went to the doc and he looked in her eyes and did a blood test- turns out she has anemia. got me to start thinking......

ill let you all know how it goes.....