View Full Version : Should I go back to ENT?

06-11-07, 12:22
Ok I want some opinions here as im at my wits end:winks:

Here goes, I might ramble on so bear with me, lol!

Last year I was suffering with sinus infections, pains down my face etc... my GP said I was suffering with chronic sinusitis and refered me to an NHS ENT specialist, it was a 3mth wait and after googling I scared myself silly about the risks of meningitis and brain absesses etc..:blush: so my hubby paid for me to go private, I saw an ENT specialist that day and had a CT scan 2 days later. All clear, he said the CT scan was the most perfect sinus scan he had ever seen so that was rulled out and he diagnosed me with neuralgia along with anxiety making it worse:winks:

So anyway in time it got abit better, I managed it with pain killers and tried to not worry so much as that made me have pain in my limbs. Then in Feb/March this year I had sinusitis, I felt quite poorly with it, had strong anti bs and I slowly got better but after that bout of sinusitis I have had alot of fullness, pain, pressure in left ear, I also get mucus running down from what feels like left nostril down my left side of throat, pain occasionally over left eye but mainly its my left ear that suffers. I have been back and too to my GP who said I had glue ear, refered me back to my ENT specialist who did an ear pressure test twice and said all normal and wrote back to my GP saying nothing more could be done for me, I saw at the bottom of the letter he said 'J...obviously suffers with anxiety which is making her condition worse but there is nothing more than I or J...can do':mad: made me feel stupid, he also made me feel stupid when I went back to him, like 'god not you again the worrywart':nonono:

I went back to my GP after he had received the letter from the ENT dr and he was laughing say he felt like a right idiot after refering me and said he still thought i had glue ear but no more refering, I have to just deal with the pain. Anyway over the last 4 weeks ive had raised glands behind my ears and throat on & off, ive seen my GP who said I just have to live with it and its just an allergy type thing or jsut the way I am. I disagree but I have tried asking for a referal again but he won't do it.

I know last year my CT scan was normal but this year ive had sinusitis twice in feb and july then in early august i had bronchitis, now ive been diagnosed with mild asthma and im still suffering badly with my ear and sinus pain all on left side. I can't live with this discomfort, im not worrying like i was about risks as my anxiety is abit better but im not happy about popping pain killers that do not help anyway every single day.

Should I either go to another GP (i dont really want too as they all know im a worrier) or just go private to ENT again and fight my case even though he looks at me like I make it up because ive anxiety? I can afford to have a private consultation just this once if need be.

I want another CT scan, I know 12mths ago it was fine but my symptoms all year have been different, im constantly bunged up and in pain on left side, even my GP says ive probably chronic sinusitis and I should just put up with it but it feels like its getting worse.

I am nervous about whatever I do, I hate going to the drs as i know the receptionists talk about me and I hate seeing the ENT fella even though iev only been 3 times he looks at me like im a right prat:wall:

Any advice appreciated:D :roflmao:

Elly 2
06-11-07, 14:07
Hi Cherry,
Firstly let me just offer my sympathy, I have had sinus problems in the past and it's not nice.
Secondly, if you ask your doctor to refer you again, he CANNOT refuse.

I had my sinuses washed out, it's an op that's not particularly nice but I have to say it really did work.
Good luck hun
Love Elly x

06-11-07, 16:06
Thank you,

I just hate looking like a total loon, i knw they think im making it up, why would I keep spending £80 a time and £400 on a ct scan????? I can think of better things to spend it on.

I am in so much discomfort I just need to know whats causing it, sick of my GP telling me to live with it:-(

My CT scan was fine a year ago so i know they just think i should put up with it.