View Full Version : Palpitations.. Stress

01-02-21, 23:21
I know I see alot of people having the same thing but I'm getting tired of it as I suppose I'm going through a bit at the moment..

The palpitations and thumping is more constant now but I do keep thinking about them alot and I suffer from anxiety loads. . I've had ecg and all fine
I've just got divorced after a nasty couple of years was married 25 years
I'm now having to sell my family home which I have the boys and dog.. My eldest is 24 but he's going to have to live with his godmother as I can't afford a 3 bed house as my 17 year old who has autism needs to be with me
Our dog is old and constantly wets herself and due to covid I have lost all my work..
Yes I guess I'm stressed and anxious all the time I have no idea where I'm going to live at the moment
Thanks for reading I needed to get this out of my system xxx

02-02-21, 13:03
Really sorry to hear you're going through all that. That is an awful situation to be in.

All I can do is offer some reassurance that any symptoms you experience right now can be easily explained by the brutal amount of stress you're going through.

One day this will be a memory, try and focus on one day at a time. x