View Full Version : Christmas Again!!!!!!

06-11-07, 12:53
Hi does christmas affect your anxiety and depression?:mad:

This time of year,every year I get totally stressed out and very down.There always seems so much to do,making lists,buying presents having to go round the shops,writing cards,wrapping up,ect ect.Not knowing what to get anyone.My better half always seems to leave most of it up to me and I just cant cope with it all.

I do like christmas,seeing all the decorations and trees,lights and that but everything else spoils it for me.

Today I just feel like crying all the time,and Im holding it all back.Pretty low in myself,and my whole body just hurts where Im so tense.Tell me Im not the only one like this at christams.

I dont want to sound like scrooge,Im far from that.:weep: I just seem to want January to get here and then look forward to the lovely spring weather coming in.:shrug: :shrug: I dont know is it me?????

06-11-07, 13:15
Hi Ellen,

just wanted to give you a hug....I'm sure youre not the only one....I used to absolutely love christmas but the last couple of years I have felt like you, overwhelmed by it all and worrying about potential disasters and thinking about everything thats changed over the las few years.

Have you tried writing lists and ticking things off as you go....and try to do a little bit every day or two so it doesnt become a monumental task...now if only I could follow my own advice...

sorry Im not the best with advice, but sending hugs anyway

luv Coni XX:hugs:

06-11-07, 13:40
Hello Ellen,

I love Christmas, I am like a kid at Christmas time. I do get stressed with all the things to do, but I found last year shopping online was great. I didn't have to stand in lines, or go into stores.

This year I think I will do online and stores. I also made most of my gifts last year, so that helped alot with my anxiety, I didn't have time for it.

I love the spirit that Christmas brings out of people. I know that we all don't like Christmas, but I wish each and every one of you The Merryest Christmas.

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

Elly 2
06-11-07, 13:44
Hi Ellen, you have my sympathy. I love christmas or at least I thought I did. Last year wasn't too bad for me, but since then my pa's have got worse and I can't go shopping on my own. I have to go with my daughter but as she works during the week it means shopping at the weekends, aaaaagh the shops are so crowded and I can't do crowds. I am absolutely dreading it!!!!!!!!
So to answer your question hun, you are definitely NOT alone.
Big hugs

06-11-07, 14:15
Part of it too could be the weather!!
I know that when it's cold and dreary I feel bogged down!!

06-11-07, 19:53
Big time.

I never go anywhere at Christmas and no one ever visits.

It's not the same without my Mum being with us.

My dad just sleeps all the time and we don't even have turkey or anything cos he doesn't like it. We'll probably have a curry out of a plastic tray or something again lol.

I'm 38 and I haven't enjoyed Christmas since I was about 15.

I have presents to buy for my dad and brother only. I only have four cards to send people and four cards to get back. I don't go to any parties and when I see everyone else happy I just burst into tears.

I just try not to go out anywhere and I pretend that it's just a "normal" time of year.
