View Full Version : Red mark on breast

03-02-21, 14:52
I’m not sure if I’m being silly panicking over this or not and unsure whether I should go to the doctor about this.

This red mark has been on my breast for around 2 months now and although is hasn’t got any bigger it also hasn’t got any smaller. It isn’t sore or itchy or anything but i just don’t know why it won’t heal. It’s red in colour and slightly raised.

I’m starting to get really worried it might be skin cancer :(

03-02-21, 14:58
I mean this in the kindest possible way, but... don't show your breasts to people on the internet?

As far as I know, we don't have any dermatologists here. I highly doubt you have skin cancer, but since it's making you unhappy book a GP appointment just to set your mind at ease. I'm a HA person too, and it can be horrible the way we torture ourselves.

03-02-21, 15:03
I mean this in the kindest possible way, but... don't show your breasts to people on the internet?

As far as I know, we don't have any dermatologists here. I highly doubt you have skin cancer, but since it's making you unhappy book a GP appointment just to set your mind at ease. I'm a HA person too, and it can be horrible the way we torture ourselves.

Thank you. My health anxiety means I’m never sure whether I should book a doctor appointment or not as I don’t want to waste their time. It’s just a photo of skin and you can’t even tell it’s a breast so I’m quite happy posting it but thanks for the concern!

03-02-21, 15:13
Would you be happy showing it to random people in the street? This is essentially what you're doing. I know I wouldn't trust some of the users here.

A good rule of thumb is, if it's making you miserable, see a GP over it. That said, as a former skin cancer sufferer who used to spend way too long on Google, my gut instinct is that you have nothing to worry about. I sometimes get patches like that and they're just spots that don't quite come to a head - they last an improbably long time.