View Full Version : Chest pains/ Indigestion worry

06-11-07, 13:32

A couple of nights ago, after around 1 hour of watching TV in bed, I had a crushing sort of pain, which seemed to be in my chest, which made me sit up. It did seem to improve each time I burped, so maybe it was indigestion? I had had some cheese and onion crisps and a biscuit just before I went up to bed, which I don't usually do. Also, I had taken 2 lots of Ibuprofen on Thursday, due to unbearable aches in arms. I do a lot a sitting at the computer so it may be realted to that. I have read that Ibuprofen is not recommended whilst on Sertraline, but the Chemist said it was ok to use, as long as I did not get any indigestion. Do you think the Ibuprofen could have caused this 2 days later?

I went to the Dr's yesterday. She took my BP which was fine, and listened to my heart (normal but going fast, I hate going to the Dr's and get worked up!). She said that the pain was not heart related. She said that I have to go to see her for reassurance and that she has a lot of patients who are doctor dependant. I do not want to be like that! In April, I had an ECG, fine, and blood tests, 24 hour urine, chest x-ray, cholestorol, B12 and folate, hormones, bone density etc. Everything was ok. It was put down to Anxiety.

I am on Sertaline (for 2 months, half a teaspoon for 1 month, then 1 teaspoon for a month.) I am due to start on the 50mg tablets, which she said I may have to increase to 1 and a half tablets, to get myself better, and back "to normal". At the moment, I have burning skin in chest, back and arms, tingling fingers again, and palpitations. I worry a lot, and at the moment it is Stomach Cancer and Heart Problems.

Does it just sound like anxiety?

Elly 2
06-11-07, 13:52
Hi Mooky, I know how you feel, it could very easily be gastric reflux especially with you eating crisps just before going to bed. They are full of fat and very difficult to digest just before bed. Lying down doesn't help with acid in the stomach, if it happens again why not try some gaviscon (antacid), it may just take the edge off it.
Hope you feel better hun
Elly xx

06-11-07, 14:18
Thanks Elly! It hasn't happened since, but I am almost afraid to eat, in case it does. I will really watch what I eat now, and hopefully it won't come back! Forgot to mention my jaw aches a lot as well.

Thanks for replying


06-11-07, 14:25

I get this often unfortunately and its quite frightening - i would say definetly sounds like indigestion. Try not to worry too much about it coming back, the more you tense up about eating then the more the likelihood it will return.

Like elly says, some gaviscon may help or peppermint tea.


06-11-07, 16:01
HI Darkangel

Thanks for your reply. Do you get a crushing type of pain too? At first I thought it was heart, then the next day it seemed to be lower down! How long does yours last??
