View Full Version : At breaking point

03-02-21, 18:42
It's been a while since I posted on the HA forum. Although my HA is an ongoing issue I have been trying to deal with as best as I can but the past few months have been extremely stressful. Some of the information I share here might be triggering so if you're feeling fragile, please stop reading.

In Oct last year, my father contracted COVID. He beat it and is doing OK. But then my mother contracted it from him and she did not survive. She had pre-existing vulnerabilities so she did not have a fighting chance to begin with.

Just as I was dealing with my mother's loss, we discovered our 9 year old son has developed a larger nipple on one side. It would well be a breast bud but we need to get it checked out. His appointment is in 2 weeks.

After I booked my son's appointment back in December, I said to myself I won't worry until we're closer to the date in February. And tried really hard to enjoy the holidays with my family. But 2 days before Christmas, my son had a nasty fall, hit his head, and almost passed out. So we had to take him to the ER, where he was diagnosed with a mild concussion and discharged. But we were told to monitor him for a brain bleed for the next few days.

Everything turned out ok, another crisis dealt with. Then just before New Year's my fathers blood glucose levels spiked out of nowhere. A round of doctor consultations followed (my sister mostly dealt with this), his diabetes meds were altered and he's doing better now. Another crisis averted.

Now recently we've had a health scare come up with my partner. 5 years ago he had a bout of what turned out to be atypical pneumonia. He spent 11 days in the hospital and it was quite the ordeal. Now recently he's had a resurgence of one of his symptoms from back then - chronic coughing. After hearing about Dustin Diamond’s death, we both started to freak out and tried making an appointment for him to be checked out. The earliest date we could get is March 5th. Cue another month of intense worry.

In the midst of all of this my sister has had 3 episodes of blacking out. She is also consulting with her doctor.

So here I am feeling like I just cannot seem to catch a break. I feel like multiple waves are trying to crush me and I don't have the strength to keep swimming. Not sure what I am even asking for here. Just venting out I guess. Thanks for reading.

03-02-21, 20:47
Hello there!

I am very sorry you have been going through all these rough patches. God know this past year has not been easy on anyone, but when you have stuff piling up on top, it truly is very hard. I will be praying for you and your family.

I also lost my mother, she died on June 30th. Not from Covid, she was very sick, and after a particularly bad fall in her own kitchen, she simply went out within a week. Needless to say, I carry feeling of guilt , and fear. Guilt, because who among us does not feel guilty about their parents; fear, because she died of a very rare form of blood disorder which apparently turned into rare blood cancer - and I live now in fear that I may inherit it. I had my blood work done this morning, and now the waiting for the results....

Since you are in the US, it is little strange that your partner cannot be seen earlier. I guess it depends on the insurance, maybe? As to your son, I am sure he will be OK, could it be that he irritated that, or somehow injured himself?

I will be thinking of you , and let us know how everything goes.

04-02-21, 17:18
Thank you for your kind words Lana. It means a lot especially considering that you're going through your own worries at the moment. I did read your other thread and wanted to just say that you're doing everything right to get checked out and lay your worries to rest. But I can totally relate to your anxiety. My mom had leukemia - that's what made her high risk for COVID-19. I've been afraid of getting blood tests ever since she was diagnosed. So you're braver than I am. Waiting for results is always hard, but you should pat yourself on the back for going through with the tests.

Regarding my son, yes, he's been messing around with that nipple. But it does seem like uneven development on the two sides. Despite myself I googled and the thing I'm latching on to right now is that this is not entirely uncommon especially if there is a family history of gynecomastia (man boobs), which there is on both sides of the family. But since he's pre pubertal he needs to get checked out.

Regarding my husband's appointment, we're not sure why we're unable to get an earlier appointment. We have decent health insurance and can make specialist appointments without PCP referral. We made this appointment with a pulmonology specialist so perhaps that's why it's taking long to get see, and it will be a telehealth appointment. The nurse practitioner my husband spoke with said this was the right course of action. But we've asked for a call back in case there is a cancelation.

It's all a bit too much to handle. And I'm dealing with some work pressures too so barely getting sleep most nights. Coming on here to vent it all out helps and is better than keeping it all bottled up inside.

04-02-21, 17:41

Thank you so much for telling that I am brave - yes, it is scary. Actually, believe it or not, I received all the blood work results through patient portal this morning ( I am on East Coast); some of them I looked at, and they are all normal, thank dear God! CBC results I did not open yet, too anxious. I will wait for a whole day, and if my doctor does not call or send separate message, I will finally open them. I was afraid of the liver results, but those I opened and they are normal,. thank God.

I have a feeling your son will be totally OK. I will keep you in my prayers, and please let me know if I can help in any way. God bless you, and all the best to you and your family.