View Full Version : therapy when doctor keeps you waiting

06-11-07, 14:26
hello everyone im new on this website .i suffer from gad/panic disoder. im on cipralex 10mg and this is my tenth week. i due back to wrk tom and am looking forward to it. but today i woke with massive anxiety and panic. i no its a natral reaction to feel this b4 going to wrk. but the things that botherd me is that i have asked for cbt from my doctors and its been 3 months. i really need this therapy as i know it will help me but what the hell my docs playing at keeping me waiting.. how can i push it through i seriously would like some advise, my meds are helping but i need to get to root of promblem not mask it!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like ragging my doc and saying if it was ur family member going through this that i do on a daily basis ud do sumthing. why isnt there enough help for us?????????????? any advice would help sorry for rambling. sumtimes i feel like tieing myself to doctors door in petition that hey im not going know where till u book me my therapy NOW.


06-11-07, 19:05
Hello Lisa !
sorry to hear you are having a long wait - CBT treatment is patchy across the country to say the least ! I think your current anxiety is your body mis-interpreting the excitement about going back to work. I find that our bodies are so well-primed to reacting to any heightened stimulus that the end result is always panic ! I tell myself to "freeze the fear" when this happens and it help to stop panic from escalating.Don't let your body fool you and hang in there for tretment.
Be kind to yourself

06-11-07, 19:45
I got referred back to the mental health team, went to see them just over a week ago and was told that I'd be offered therapy and also a place in some user groups.

But there's around a 5 month wait :(

I don't understand why there's always a wait like this. I'll probably be much worse in 5 months time.


06-11-07, 20:09
it makes me so angry but thats because im having a bad day i think. im trying so hard u know i just want to cry now .i hate being like this i was never like this as a child except sumtimes i used to wet the bed mum said lol. i would rather wet the bed everynight than have panic and anxiety. i hate the tingling i get that runs thgru my body then the sickness its horrible... thanku anyway for the replies to u both x

07-11-07, 00:03
the tingling that runs through your body (like fizzy lemonade in your veins) is adrenalin the same sensation you get when you are happy excited.
Strange - but your brain knows when you are happy and settles naturally.
When you feel the same in a panic your senses are confused.

Best wishes

07-11-07, 01:14
The long wait for CBT is due to the lack of resources. There just aren't enough therapists at present. The government have recently promised to provide more funding to employ more therpists, not that it helps in the present!

It's quite possible to do self-help with the right knowledge and techniques. Compared to how I used to be, I am much more able to cope and that's without medication or CBT. I did see a CBT therapist for a short while but in my case I didn't find him very helpful so I decided to help myself by analysing my fears, understanding them, confronting them and learning ways to keep me relaxed as possible. Different methods suit different people depending on their causes.

07-11-07, 08:56
Hi Lisa

I like your comment on tying yourself to the doctors door and insisting you want help, actually it reminded me of the time I actually did something similar and wouldnt leave the surgery till they did give me some. I think it is terrible the length of time you have to wait for help and do you know what when I stood my ground with the doctor the help came much more readily.
