View Full Version : these pains are real

06-11-07, 15:22
hello every1,hope u r all well
well i suffer from pains and aches all the time
i assume the worse i knw i do
i get pains in my chest get the sore arm i keep thinkin this is it iam goin to hav a heart attack
untill recently i just kept on at my family 4 reasurnce untill i thought thr just sayn iam goin to b ok to shut me up
i do get these pains and ther scary so i went to my doc he listend to wat i had to say he listend to my heart n pulse bp everythin was fine and sed its panic attacks how can it be??? its not like i sit tjinkin abt these pains
god i swear iam goin crazy if thts not enuff i get these shootn pains in my head and yet again i go into overdrive brain tumor ppl laff at me all the time and i hate it i just want sum1 2 help me i feel like a freak every1 i knw is so normal
ive hav these attacks and horrible thoughts abt me dyin for a good few years now
i hav my good days and bad days so what iam trying to say is maybe something is wrong with me ithere must be rgt to hav all these pains
can sum1 please help me
any help and advice will do xx:blush:

06-11-07, 16:10
Hi Jillian

All that you wrote in your post sounds like classic anxiety - Panic attacks to me sweetie , and I can assure you, Your NOT going to go insane , I can understand you seeking re-asssurance from your family hell Knows we all done it .

Hope this helps

Michelle x

miss motown
06-11-07, 21:20
hi jill just to say your not on your own with all these unwanted symptoms i thought i was the only one untill i found this site,i no how you feel with the chest pain i get that all the time and the pains down my left arm all the symptoms of one having a heart attack ive had lots of tests and it is anxiety i can promise you i suffer with so much pain in every joint in my body i can not belive they say its anxiety and stress its soooo weired even now as im typing this my fingers are hurting i think i have every ailment under the sun as every symptom i have is so intense but if i gp can do lots of tests and they all come back ok then i guess its got to be the wonderful anxiety ha

06-11-07, 21:30
I get chest pains too - very very common - read the coping page on the left for reassurance.