View Full Version : Worried - can anyone help please?

06-11-07, 19:35
I have been suffering from aches and pains for a few months now and just put it down to sitting at a computer and tension but now i have developed pain in my knees, feet, shoulder blades neck and lower back. Also i wake up every morning with a fullness in my stomach which i thought was IBS but this has been going on for too long now and I am getting myself in a state. My bowels are a lot better but i am still getting an urge to go to toilet but can only go a little and afterwards it feels like my back passage is burning. I have been off citalopram for just over a week now so im not sure if that has added to my becoming anxious again. Can anyone come up with any answers as i really dont want to go back to the docs again. Oh when i press on the body parts that are paining they feel bruised, what could this be and can ibs go on for weeks.

06-11-07, 19:45
Can't help much I'm afraid with your symptons (hopefully you'll find you need from other members) I'm new to this whole Anxiety thing, just started Citalopram wondered how you found it?? Did it work for you? Did you get blurred vision when you first started it only my 4th day on tabs.....
Clarelou x

06-11-07, 19:51
Hi Nikki

I feel very similar to you. I have various aches and pains, in shoulder blades, upper back. My arms ache unbearably sometimes, especially after carrying heavy shopping bags, or lifting etc. I also work on the computer,from home. I have had numerous tests, all clear. My stomach is playing me up too! I had a horrid time on Citalopram, I took it for 1 week and was waking in the night in a panic, and I had an awful panic attack, poundiung heart etc one day. Stopped taking that, and I am now on Sertraline (liquid) 2.5ml, upped to 5ml and will be starting the 50mg tablets soon. Dr says it is such a low dose it will take ages to feek better. Hope you are feeling ok and not worrying too much -- I know it's hard, but the Dr's must know what they are doing.

Mooky x

06-11-07, 19:52
hi clarelou, I have been on citalopram for 6 months now and although they took the edge of things and made me a lot calmer I did find a lot of the time I was forgetting things, and still did not feel right so I have decided to come off them altogether. i did get awful side effects for the first two weeks to the extent that I ended up in A & E with terrible chest pains and anxiety. I also had two PAs when i first started taking them.