View Full Version : eye pains and ache

06-11-07, 20:27
hi everyone, i have getting aches and pains in and around my eyes for weeks now and i had my eyes tested on friday, no tumours were picked up or anything but i did need glasses, however i am still getting the aches and pains in and around my eyes, there not as bad but there still there, today i have a headache as well. i'm slightly concerned that i didn't mention any of my symptoms to optition because i thought brain tumours would be picked up anyway, however now i'm not so sure. what do you think?
please please reply
Luv Louise x

06-11-07, 20:30
Hi Louise

Do you have the glasses now and wearing them?

When I first got glasses for driving it took me a while to get used to them so maybe in a few days things will settle down.

06-11-07, 20:32
Hi Louise,

Like we talked about, if the optician had thought it something more than eye strain he would have referred you, also you have only collected your glasses today so you do need to give your eyes a chance to get used to them.


Trac xxx

06-11-07, 20:36
I'm really sorry to hear about your pains, I haven't really got an answer I'm afraid, I've never had pains in both my eyes just one a few years ago and I got really worried but it went away.
I had a friend who used to get headaches and when she had them she had pains inside her eyes as well but she didn't have a tumour I think she had had tests done.
The other person is my dad, he got that at one point and he went to the doctor as it was quite severe (he almost never goes to the doctor normally so it must have been painful) but it was nothing in the end. My dad thinks he gets that when the weather's bad. A bit like arthritis.
Sorry I couldn't help any more. Take care I'm sure you don't have a tumour.

06-11-07, 21:02
yes i know i have only picked up my glasses today. but because of the health anxiety, i keep thinking maybe they missed something. and the more i worry, the worst the symptoms will get. but i have been more relaxed lately, since my eye test, is worrying enough to create symptoms?
please reply
Luv louise

06-11-07, 21:06
Yes Louise it is - that is why they call it Health Anxiety.

The more you worry the worse you get I am afraid - you must learn to chill and calm down and accept that you are not dying of a brain tumour ok?

06-11-07, 21:20
okay i will try my best and hopefully i can get better soon.

08-11-07, 16:49
i get these pains all the time wen im stressed. and i have health anxiety. ive convinced myself ive had a brain tumour for the past 6 years, and ive had the pains longer than that. im starting to believe i havent got a tumour now and im alot calmer and the pains are few and far between now. if i really did have a tumor im sure i would of died years ago. its just stress. xxx

08-11-07, 18:01

I think its very reassuring that the optician found all to be well

They can tell so much from your eyes

I have had awful eye pain for more than 6 months in one eye so I know how you feel

Hope you feel better soon

H x

08-11-07, 18:42
have you considered it could be your sinuses , especially at moment as its quite cold.

08-11-07, 23:05
Hey again, I’m trying so hard to move on and to relax, but it’s so hard, I’m still getting eye pain and the fact I get it everyday really worries me I mean it must be serious right? I keep planning things for Christmas and things but then the thought that I might be dying comes into my head. The eye pain is worst some days and then other days not so bad, it’s driving me insane coz I had my eyes tested and nothing was picked up but then I think well I didn’t tell them my symptoms so maybe they didn’t consider anything serious and missed it, got any reassurance or advice?
Please Please reply
Love Louise xx

09-11-07, 08:30
No louise its not serious. it could be 1 of a hundred things but at the end of the day you have been to the right people to sort anything serious (opticians) The eye tests they can do nowadays will tell them everything about your eyes and behind your eyes. now if you have already been and they say you need glasses then thats whet it will be just eye strain, i look at a pc monitor for quite a lot per day and i tell you it feels like my eyes are gonna roll out my head and fall on floor, but i guarantee that after i have not looked at computor for a couple of hours they feel fine again.

Dont worry louise if there was anything seriously wrong they would have definitely picked it up..xxxx

09-11-07, 11:57
Louise I just went to the opticians a few months ago with the same problem. I have slight shortsightedness, but because I have migraines I do wear glasses. The optician sent me to the eye doctor at the hospital, who did every eye test under the sun. Even dilated my pupils. Same diagnosis as the optician. Nothing there. Possibly eye strain. Said it could be migrainous, and yes that is possible or he said it could be dry eyes and gave me drops as he said that saw some dry patches on my eyes.

My doc told me if it was anything serious it would have been picked up. So don't worry, it's a new symptom of anxiety for me, but the stress that is put on our nervous system from anxiety will affect it different ways at different times in our lives.

Try to realise that you do believe what the eye doctor has told you, it's just the anxiety that makes you think different. Try to understand you are more frightened of the anxiety that you feel, than you do about the eye doctor.

Your mind is very tired from being anxious, therefore it is not able to throw the thoughts of is there something serious wrong out. Just allow the thoughts to happen, try not to dwell on them and just think "Oh that's the anxiety causing these thoughts", because that's all they are are just thoughts, it's the power we give them that makes them seem so real.