View Full Version : Huge panic attack

08-02-21, 19:06
I had a huge panic attack an hour ago. If my mom wasn't here I don't know what would I do. I thought I am dying, head pressure, losing it, it was horrible. I am familiar with panic attacks, I've had them since 10 years old but after an year of not having them I forget how strong they can be.
I am very afraid now. I am afraid that I will get another that will last longer and end up admitted in hospital. I know I survived all kind of panic attacks but I can't help to wonder what if.

The pressure of 2020 and fear of dying and losing someone, also I had a major trigger last week and then it started with head pressure every evening and today culminated in this horrible panic attack.

I could control some of my panic attacks but this one was so big, my whole head was spinning and I thought I will lose consciousness.

How to cope with such a strong attack? I am taking 100 mg Sulpiride and 100 mg Zoloft. And Xanax. And I still had this attack so strong.

08-02-21, 19:26
I know it is easy for me to say but the fear of panic attacks is what feeds them. I’ve had 1 this year after about 20 years of not having them, it was horrible and scary but I eventually recognised it for what it was and it soon went.

Keep up with daily relaxation or mindfulness. If you feel panic stirring then what do you think might help you?

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08-02-21, 19:35
I usually can control them but this one was one of those that come out of the blue and so strong that I thought that I am gonna die. Talking to mom calmed me a bit but if I was alone, I don't know what would I do. I lived alone for a long time and I had panic attacks but this one was really scary and I am gonna try not to feed the fear but it is very hard.

08-02-21, 21:13
How to cope with such a strong attack?

You don't control the attack, you control your reaction to it.

It's been a pretty bad year for lots of people and it's pretty common for people to experience some anxiety again after a break from it.

But, panic and anxiety are normal bodily functions. When we experience a 'big one', it's only because our reaction to it is big. If you just accept it (which should be easier as you've already identified the triggers) they'll pass much sooner.

12-02-21, 12:47
You don't control the attack, you control your reaction to it.

It's been a pretty bad year for lots of people and it's pretty common for people to experience some anxiety again after a break from it.

But, panic and anxiety are normal bodily functions. When we experience a 'big one', it's only because our reaction to it is big. If you just accept it (which should be easier as you've already identified the triggers) they'll pass much sooner.

Good advice Joe. Thank you. This just helped me.

19-03-21, 02:10
The best treatment involves a combination of therapies along with mindfulness, learning deep breathing techniques, yoga and exercise.