View Full Version : Feeling I've lost myself

08-02-21, 23:08
Been really low lately finding my consentration is really poor like I'm floating in a daze alot of the time. So much has happened I was diagnosed with MS just over a year ago, then had to give up work because of a big relapse. Wanting to find some self worth again. I often feeling quite lonely again too. Such alot of uncertainty going on, really tired of trying to home school as well. Really tired all the time, what can I do to start to improve again ?
Sorry for the all miserable post :/

09-02-21, 18:23
I felt very sad for you fluff when reading your post. It sounds like you might be suffering from a bit of depersonalisation, combined with low mood and tiredness. Its been tough for parents home-schooling, very draining, I've heard from some family members who have been experiencing it most of the year. Then there is the loss of social interaction from your workplace and during COVID times, along with MS worries, its a wonder that you are still managing to home school at all, its a credit to you that you are! (I saw your comment at the bottom of your post about 'continuous effort' and I can see you take that to heart) I also had to give up work a few years ago, for different reasons, and found it really affected my esteem and confidence hugely. I didn't feel I had value and felt that my personality was just no longer showing, and my identity vanished.

I started doing some voluntary roles, which I trained for, and it did help somewhat, but of course thats not open to you at the moment with covid.

I think for the moment you have to find your value in smaller ways - your 'worth' is still there, you are still the same person underneath, but its being a bit choked by life changes and experiences. Actually, your home schooling is a pretty huge 'value' to be honest and its almost 'lucky' that you were off work to carry that task. You clearly need more interaction with others - there are still plenty of groups and social events running via zoom, have you looked into those ?

09-02-21, 20:56
Hi Cary's thank you for your reply, sorry to hear similar has happened to you. Yes it's really strange not working, we gave the school work a miss today and played out in the snow :) that sounds really positive doing some voluntary work, you have given me an idea for when the schools etc life gets easier again. I have looked at what's on zoom but felt abit shy of it with the screens lol I may give this a try in the future when the home schooling has stopped. I do feel abit better today in less of a daze 😃