View Full Version : Intense Anxiety and Scared out of my mind

06-11-07, 21:41
Hi everyone, I hope I can get some advice here.....my anxiety comes and goes and right now I'm having a horrible time. I am so aware of an increase in heart rate, I get shaky and I'm getting these weird, weak type feelings throughout my arms and legs. I'm always taking my blood pressure at home to see what it is and then I panic when it's elevated which it has been lately. I get episodes of sweating for no apparent reason, out of the blue. Sometimes I don't even think I'm thinking about my anxiety and then some symptom appears. Does this sound like anxiety to anyone? Please, please help! Thank you!

06-11-07, 21:50

These all sound like classic textbook anxiety symptoms to me, and the same symptoms which many of us will have had.

Remember that anxiety can be described as the catastrophic misinterpretation (done that without spellcheck!) of normal bodily functions and if you focus on your heartbeat for example then that becomes faster.

Sometimes when you get an itch and scratch it you get an itch somewhere else and it's a bit like anxiety, it becomes like a vicious circle with a whole lot of new symptoms making themselves known.

Take care and believe me, it does get better. Hope you're feeling better soon.


06-11-07, 21:54
I could have wrote your post word for word. I am a constant BP checker as well. As soon as its the tiniest bit elevated I freak out and it goes up higher.
The cycle is awful and normally the only way I stop it is too go to bed. I normally have to take lorazapam or something to help or listen to a mediation CD.
It defintely sounds like anxiety symptoms but to rule things out see a doc. If you ever need to talk feel free to message me!