View Full Version : Spiraling due to IBC worries

09-02-21, 13:39
Hi everyone.

I am not a frequent poster on this forum, but come back every once in awhile when I have an HA flareup. I'm posting my story below not in hopes of reassurance but more of an outlet - the last few weeks have been quite a mess as you'll see and I am at the end of my rope.

My husband and I found out that we were expecting in December after trying to conceive for around 7 months after a miscarriage. Unfortunately, we found out a few weeks ago that we are having another loss. Before we found out we were miscarrying, I was on progesterone suppositories which when mixed with the normal pregnancy hormones, was quite a combination and caused me to break out heavily on my chest and jawline.

Most of the spots on my chest were centered more around my clavicle bone, but there was one really bad, painful spot that was closer to my nipple on my breast. It's been there for a few weeks, but of course, I was able to write it off due to the hormonal changes. Well, in the past few days, the pimple has gone away for the most part but it's left somewhat of a raised mark that is VERY red with broken capillaries around it. Realistically, and logically, I know that this is probably due to the fact that I had squeezed it and there was already extra blood flow and sensitivity due to being pregnant. Emotionally however, I am spiraling. It does not look good. The broken capillaries look so much like the start of IBC. I have an appointment with my doctor a week from today as a checkup after my miscarriage and plan to ask about it, but I know that IBC moves so fast so that isn't enough to calm me down.

Again, back to my logical side. My hormones are CRASHING right now due to my loss. It's a recipe for disaster, both for my skin and my mental health. On top of it, clearly a health event like a miscarriage could be a trigger for my old health anxiety to flare up. I know there are answers here that aren't cancer but I just can't put my mind at rest.

If you've read this far, thank you. Just writing this out was helpful.

09-02-21, 18:01
HI there ! What a terrible time you've been through, just awful. The hormone changes, very sudden ones at that (your word crashes I think covers it) and the devastating losses will of course make you feel just dreadful. Your logic knows what this 'mark' is, but you are clearly very low and anxious, and are aware that your HA has kicked in. A large spot that you 'squeezed' on some very delicate skin (a spot is a minor infection, lets just be clear on that and some of them can be very infected), which lasted ages, could of course leave a mark that could take many months to heal and fade. You do have a cause and effect here, and actually very clear awareness of the cause of your fears, roorted in physical changes and emotional upheaval. It sounds nothing like IBC to me, but I doubt that reassures you right at the moment, I think you need to concentrate on your logic here and reiterate it as I'm sure you are right. As you have an appointment with the doctor then that is indeed the time to raise any concerns, 'moving quick' isn't '7 days quick' anyway ;) It could be, possibly, that there is still abit of infection in the area - that might be worth considering ?