View Full Version : arm & leg twitches / flexing?

11-02-21, 09:59
in short: i have three herniated discs in my neck (don't remember which ones; i think c4, c5, c6?) and two in my lower back (definitely don't remember which ones). now, i've been struggling with pain and numbness for months already. sad as it is to say, i've gotten used to it unless it becomes more extreme, which has been happening more lately. as far as i remember, several nerves are compressed, though it's mostly affecting my right arm. it began affecting my left arm some more as of last year, though usually hasn't been as bad compared to the right side in terms of pain, numbess, etc.

but the past few weeks, i've been having more twitching in my legs and left arm. some were violent enough to cause me, while laying down flat, to flex my knee into my chest. and just now, my wrist has been twitching especially and flexing. most of this happens when i'm trying to sleep i noticed, and usually less severe when i'm awake and doing something. then it's usually just my thumb twitching every so often and what not; whatever, that's happened for years now. but, of course, hypochondriac brain is taking over and i'm confused, scared, and assuming the worst. what if it's some neuro disease? permanent damage to my nerves and/or spinal cord? a tumour or something? anything bad, you got it.

i guess it's also important saying i haven't been sleeping well these past few weeks, mostly due to pain, so i know that sometimes does it, though it's always been my eyelid twitching instead. i'm not sure if that could do hand or limb stuff. my doctor has prescribed me a muscle relaxer, though i need to pick it up from the pharmacy still. i probably have lupus on top of these things, though confirmation is pending due to current events. idk if that matters but i guess worth noting.

so uh. if anyone has any advice, whether to calm my nerves or maybe you have more experience with disc herniation and their weird symptoms. idk. i just need someone rational to speak.