View Full Version : worrying again - what if?

06-11-07, 23:41
Hope someone can help.
about an hour ago I had my feet up on the arm of the chair and for some reason a pain shot up from the back of my heel and seemed to hit me in the belly.
Short very sharp pain - and now I keep touching, feeling, thinking what sort of damage has it done????????
feel very scared.
Not really a pain but a colicky feeling around the right side of my abdomen.
Any ideas????? please???
:weep: june

06-11-07, 23:56
Hello June,

Sounds as if you may have pulled a muscle slightly, or layed on a nerve maybe.

I don't think it's anything to be too concerned about - I'm always pulling or twisting something because I can't do things slowly!

The best one is turning quickly in bed or getting up too swiftly - feels as if my insides are being pulled out.

We're not always aware of what is going on in our bodies - and sometimes stuff just goes on without us noticing and yet at others we may experience some momentary discomfort.

Sending you a some hugs anyway xxx xxx xxx



07-11-07, 00:13
hello. It seems that anxiety causes you to focus on your body more than you need. Its can be compared to those people who feels chestpains and fear heartattack and so on, and this is just the anxiety showing off. I have had very good results with cognitive therapy, and maybe this can help you too. Iīm just sorry that I did not try this earlier. Anyway,- i donīt think you need to worry any more about this,- guess you just had a small cramp in the leg. Hope you will feel better ery soon.

07-11-07, 00:14
Hi groovygranny,
Just so good to know someone is out there.
It is silly I know but even where my skirt touches my waist - I suddenly think Oh no whats that!!!!!!!!
As you know this time of night does not help - not much I can do by way of distraction.
Just feeling scared and lonesome everyone else is in bed.
Best wishes

07-11-07, 00:18
Thanks jacob - it was rather like an elastic band snapping.
But logic suggest that if it was seriousI would be in more in pain than a discomfort.
Just plain old worry (I hope)
Best wishes

07-11-07, 00:20
aaw June, you're not being silly at all!

And I'm glad I caught you before I had me cocoa..... if I had my way I'd be up til the wee small hours......but there's work tomorrow !!

Night night , hope you feeling ok for a bit now.

lotsa luv xxx



07-11-07, 00:26
nite nite and thank you for listening