View Full Version : I'm having more daily panic attacks

12-02-21, 12:41
It's quite unpleasant atm and writing this is helping me ... I hope. But recently I've been having more daily panic attacks.

I'm on my same medications. Nothing has really changed.

Just today my stomach hurt. I went to poop and I could feel it passing through. While on the toilet I had a panic attack because of this. I'm quite anxious of the bathroom in general. I can't stay in a bath longer than 10 minutes because I'll have a panic attack.

If I feel the need to poop I get anxious.

Since today's toilet issue I've been stick in a panic state. My heartrate is up, I feel like I can't move in fear it will make my heartbeat faster. Usually I can control it and I'm able to get my heartrate down and relax. But today I relax to get it down then bam, it's like another wave of it hits.

I got a desert dry mouth.

My partner has music on loud downstairs while she cleans. It's fast music. I don't like fast music as it can make me feel more anxious so I have a cartoon on in my headphones.

I have these cold feelings in my butt area when I have these waves and they're at their peak. It can make me feel tingly and completely out of control of what is going on in my body.

I've got electricians coming out today to do a 4 hour electrical test on all the sockets. And my brother is coming around later to drop some things off. I think this is adding to my anxiety if I'm honest.

But the way these attacks can make you feel completely terrified scares me and it feeds this circle. How can the anxiety experience I had just be anxiety?

My heartrate is down from 155bpm to 109 bpm just from typing this. It's so horrible when you try to ignore it but you can feel it in your chest.

12-02-21, 12:47
This happens to me sometimes.

I think it's a culmination of multiple layers of stress building up.

The clue here is another post of yours complaining about loud air fresheners. That's an alarm bell, right?

I also think you have a habit of taking on too much when you feel a bit better about things in general. I used to do the same.

Just ride it out. You know it'll pass, it just sucks whilst it's here. It WILL pass, because it always does.

Cancel stuff that you can for a day or two, and just have less 'stuff' to deal with. Even if it's just somebody dropping something off, it's still a mental commitment.

12-02-21, 13:00
Yes Joe I think you're right there. I like writing these because during the attack my head realizes what's happening and by the end of the post I'm usually ok. A distraction of the mind maybe. The air freshener post, lol. It could mean in general I'm more alert and anxious to noises. It's not the air freshener, its my state of mind.

I'm meant to be taking Quetiapine as of Monday but I don't want to keep adding meds to the stack. It feels counter productive. I will be having one to one sessions with physiatrist once they're able to function properly again so I'm hoping the therapy will help a lot.

I also think you have a habit of taking on too much when you feel a bit better about things in general. I used to do the same.

Yes mate, this too. If things are simple in my brain there's no problem. Once it feels like a spaghettis mess of thoughts that's when I start going off balance with MH. I'll go through stages of taking a day or two away from the computer and I end up with a clear head. Quite quickly the mess in my head builds up.

A big part of anxiety today is "how does my home look and smell" when people come around. I end up going OCD. My mom is like this, her home is like a show home that's not lived in. I'm not that bad, parts still need decorating but the mental stress of prepping and doing the OCD cleaning is awful too.

12-02-21, 14:33
I've been saying this for years (and I know you know it too), but the modern obsession with being busy and the idea that multi tasking is a desirable trait is just BS. We are NOT designed to work this way. We are designed for short, sharp stress. Moments of intense anxiety, then hours of fire gazing. We are designed to sleep when it's dark, fvck like rabbits until we no longer can, eat when food is around and NOT fill the day with tasks and activities.

12-02-21, 14:57
I've been saying this for years (and I know you know it too), but the modern obsession with being busy and the idea that multi tasking is a desirable trait is just BS. We are NOT designed to work this way. We are designed for short, sharp stress. Moments of intense anxiety, then hours of fire gazing. We are designed to sleep when it's dark, fvck like rabbits until we no longer can, eat when food is around and NOT fill the day with tasks and activities.

You're right, we're not meant to work this way. And inevitably it's only myself that creates the mess I'm in. I would love a real log fire to gaze into. I had one of those patio fires that have a tube coming out of them. You load them with logs. I'd sit in the garden until early AM in the summer watching the fire burn. Small things like that make me happy.

I need to get back to meditation and fasting once a week. I've got a month of it in April and I can't smoke tobacco either so I'm going to use that time to quit. And looking forward to cooking some new cuisines.

The electric people have gone and I'm now calm and relaxed. That was definitely a big trigger. One of the lads was 18 and he seen my PC setup with the audio gear and was blown away. I used to have your pic in my Documents and I wanted to show him as he seemed interested in audio but couldn't find one :(

12-02-21, 15:43
Don't forget to keep an eye on the other stuff too. Diet, exercise (not too intense), DIET, smoking, drinking, DIET etc.

Oh, don't forget to keep an eye on what you eat.....

12-02-21, 21:11
People shouldn't be coming round to your house though. It's illegal during Covid. It's the best excuse for keeping people away.

12-02-21, 22:18
Such a stressful day in general. Feel tired, and agitated. Left me with a headache and feeling off. Hope I'm not coming down with anything :roflmao:

12-02-21, 22:31
This happens to me sometimes.

I think it's a culmination of multiple layers of stress building up.

That's it exactly. It's a stressful time right now, and we aren't really even aware of the amount of stress we're under until physical symptoms pop up.

13-02-21, 14:34
For us anxiety folk I think our brain is like a maze. We get lost in our mind which makes thoughts feel claustrophobic. Having no control over that is scary. Another bad day for me thus far. I may be stuck in this cycle from waking because towards the night time I tend to relax.

I've had thousands of these in my lifetime, they can still shake your core at times.

13-02-21, 16:48
Ah I think I found the problem.

Dentist gave me co-codimol for my tooth pain. I was using it for about 2 months but the nerve is dead and no longer need to take them. I gave the rest my wife for her back pain as she's prescribed it anyway. My friend noted that it sounds like codine withdrawal. Then I realized I had been taking co-codimol and I'm now at around the 72 hours peak range.

Re: dentist, I had a second opinion and this time I said I was paying. The other dentist said they could crown it and it can be saved. So I went back to my dentist and said I was told privately I could crown it. She said on NHS they can do emergency extractions. I've got another thread on this, but it's silly right?

Anyone know if that's against the law btw?

13-02-21, 18:00
Just went out for a walk pushing a pushchair and a baby. Anxiety almost got me just as I was half way from home. Was refreshing. I think I need more of that.

13-02-21, 18:09
Good for you, James.

I'm dealing with the opposite--depression. I just feel like lying around doing nothing. :/

13-02-21, 19:39
Good for you, James.

I'm dealing with the opposite--depression. I just feel like lying around doing nothing. :/

I went out for another walk to clock up 2000 steps. Thought I was going to die half way though. Lets felt like jelly, heart beating fast, convinced I was going to vomit. I got back and I was starving, after eating I felt good again. Think I need to ensure I do some daily walking. Sitting around doing nothing is not good for long periods.

Sorry to hear you're dealing with depression Antsy. It's swings and roundabouts isn't it? Some weeks depression hits me like hitting a brick wall, other times it's anxiety, and other times it's a mix of both. My depression is ok, but you know how it goes with the ups, comes the downs.

But I can attest to feeling tired and not wanting to do anything. It's part of the reason I've had to force myself up.

When I feel low like that I succumb and try to relax and deal with my thoughts. I'm still in "relax" mode. Which I feel might be dangerous to dwell there too long because it starts to affect mental and physical health.

I may be wrong, but a bit of what Joe said could be relevant. We're not made to deal with the stressors of life. Learning how to deal with those before they become problems might be a key.

Hydrate, and eat some food. Try to remember the things you enjoy. That can be tough with depression because what we usually enjoy is no longer satisfying. Nothing is unfortunately.

I feel like many creative types channel their energies into creative endeavors. But I really wish more people where open an honest about life. Especially those in the lime light.

Steven Fry's own documentaries on dealing with depression were enlightening to me.

I feel less alone when I know others have been there. If I'm depressed I'll watch people's stories on depression. If I'm anxious a lot I'll watch people having panic attacks because most of the time I think "wow, at least I am not that dramatic" :roflmao: ... but some hide it well like many of us here. When I'm having a panic attack the last thing I want is somebody to notice and ask "are you ok?" ... that would put the panic attack into worse overdrive ha ha.

I hope you start to feel better soon Antsy.

13-02-21, 19:46
There are so many mainstream comedians out there who use humour and the adrenaline rush of celebrity as self-medication for their MH issues.

And then you've got the z-listers with "bipolar" cured by 5 days in rehab and a magazine spread.

13-02-21, 19:56
There are so many mainstream comedians out there who use humour and the adrenaline rush of celebrity as self-medication for their MH issues.

And then you've got the z-listers with "bipolar" cured by 5 days in rehab and a magazine spread.

Yes lol! My partner buys those ladies magazines and I read them on the loo sometimes. I often see articles about mental health. There was one on anxiety and panic attacks. The author of the article clearly had no experience with a panic attack because the article was describing normal situations as problems. For example, feeling nervous before an interview, or a speech, is apparently not natural and if you experience those symptoms you're having a panic attack.

I don't know if those define anxiety, but my definition is most definitely much worse than that :roflmao:

I guess anxiety are relative to the person in how they're defined as sever, or minor.

I'm willing to bet a lot of these celebs have drug related issues going on too.

14-02-21, 09:40
I'm having panic attacks in my dreams causing me to wake up in a panic. Very vivid dreams too.

I had a dream I flew on a holiday to Jamaica. Our apparent 5 star hotel was an ABNB house share with a family. The area and people were not welcoming, and racist towards me. While in this dream setting I was having panic attacks. I was also going to sleep in my dream, and waking up in my dream in a panic attack. Inception? I'd then wake up in IRL afterwards in state of panic. The people were not hospitable or hygienic and made me feel bad for refusing food items - some of which included chicken beaks. I had no money while on this holiday. I was completely reliant on the "all inclusive" part of the holiday. You was lucky if you got breakfast let alone dinner or lunch.

I left after a day and went back home. I had a feeling of failure that I didn't see it through for 2 weeks.

Woke up drenched in sweat 3 times IRL.

15-02-21, 08:45
I'm about to breakdown. I can't deal with this. I've had no sleep. I had no panic from 11pm until I fell asleep around 7am. I managed an hour then woke up just with a rapid heartrate in an instant panic attack. I needed the toilet urgent. Everything all came out at once. I put fast heart rate, diarrhea and nausea down to a heart attack and convinced I'm dying. My head was telling me "these are 3 warning signs".

****ing horrible. I'm sorry to swear but there is no words to describe these at the moment.

My partner is in a horrible mood with me because I asked her if I can put a cartoon on to help me relax. Apparently she's sick of it. There was some murder documentary on and the talk of death and murder was making this panic attack worse. I don't even make it known to her I am having panic attacks. And I don't like arguments or negativity it just makes my mental health so much worse.

I've got a horrible headache.

There is no escape from this at the moment. I feel like I'm going insane. I'm so close to breaking down from this.

15-02-21, 16:49
My brothers kids went home. We had 5 kids in the house over the weekend. They're in our bubble anyway, but holy cow that was tough. I'm relaxed and no panic attacks.

Whoever said to cancel my plans earlier in the post was spot on. Think it was Pulisa.

At least it wasn't a heart attack all those times :roflmao: ... it's painfully obvious to me now that I was in a desperate state of panic due to the stressful situation I put myself under. At the time though, it doesn't feel that way.

All jokes are welcomed ...

15-02-21, 17:25
I'm sorry you went through that James. I've had those panic attacks where you wonder if you're having a heart attack. I've even been to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack only to find out it was just a panic attack.

15-02-21, 18:12
My brothers kids went home. We had 5 kids in the house over the weekend. They're in our bubble anyway, but holy cow that was tough. I'm relaxed and no panic attacks.

Whoever said to cancel my plans earlier in the post was spot on. Think it was Pulisa.

At least it wasn't a heart attack all those times :roflmao: ... it's painfully obvious to me now that I was in a desperate state of panic due to the stressful situation I put myself under. At the time though, it doesn't feel that way.

All jokes are welcomed ...

Burst your "bubble", James? That's not what a bubble is about.

15-02-21, 22:09
Hi, just wanted to say I have bathroom and bath anxiety too. Along with many other stuff. But what really helps me is using the colour calming technique.
Just start with a colour, i.e. Red and look around for 4 things in red. Then blue, black, white and so on.
The movement of your head and concentration takes you away from the panicking. Hope this helps.

16-02-21, 08:02
Definitely a new way of looking at colour therapy! That's a very helpful suggestion, Carnation.

I might have a problem in my retro avocado bathroom though!!:D

Hope you had a better night, James.

16-02-21, 10:24
Nothing wrong with avocado, it's supposed to be very good for you! My mum and dad had an avocado bathroom suite. It goes very well with brown accessories. ��

The idea with the colour distraction is to look for small details on items. Maybe the pattern on the toothpaste or bubble bath. The colours on your toothbrush. The harder the task the more beneficiary it is.

16-02-21, 13:56
Yes I can certainly see the benefit in that type of distraction.

I'm hoping that avocado will be the "in" colour again...That's my excuse for not wanting to replace it anyway!:)

16-02-21, 15:35
I'll have to try that distraction Carnation, thank you! I can get in the bath as happy as Larry, but as soon as I begin to relax it's off to the races. I count my steps when walking outside, that's a great distraction from the side effects of agoraphobia. I still have to walk by walls though.

And yes Pulisa I had a much better night, and woke up refreshed. A little jittery here and there but a couple more days and I'll be back to normal.

I have diarrhea though. Second day in a row. I ate KFC last night, night before I don't think I ate much because of the anxiety and loss of appetite. I'm not letting it bother me. My stomach still feels dicky so it's likely a bug, or a medication issue (or even subconscious anxiety). Doctor has put me on quitapine because my anxiety in general was on the up. I haven't started taking them yet though. Scared incase they knock me out like they did before. It was like getting socked in the side of the head I went down that fast.

Oh and I ran out of promazine Sunday. I get it delivered today though. Can you believe Pulisa after all this time, and all the frustrating rants I've had with them about this promzine issue, they still will only give it me weekly. This alone causes me to miss at least 1 day. Every week I go through this. That wasn't the cause for my anxiety though as I ran out Sunday and had anxiety before that. Probably didn't help.

16-02-21, 16:01
Literally a minute after posting this the medication van turned up. He dropped it on doorstep and legged it. Taken took my liquid dose immediately and now the stomach cramping has gone. And I'm incredibly hungry. I say this all the time, but when they eventually take me off promazine, valium and now quetiapine I fear that pain. What a s**t show :roflmao:

17-02-21, 11:17
It was the promazine. This mornings toilet was normal. I had no panic on the toilet either.

I did have 3 panic attack dreams though. All 3 dreams were exactly the same. In the dreams I was trying to run to, and away, from something but I was moving very slowly. Woke up all 3 times in a panic state, but dropped straight back to sleep.

I woke up this morning because in my dream I shouted my partners name, but it shouted out loud. My partner was like "wtf why did you do that". I don't know ha ha.

I also had dreams within dreams and my brother appeared in my dream and said "You need to escape, you're in an inception" :roflmao:

17-02-21, 14:03
I'll have to try that distraction Carnation, thank you! I can get in the bath as happy as Larry, but as soon as I begin to relax it's off to the races. I count my steps when walking outside, that's a great distraction from the side effects of agoraphobia. I still have to walk by walls though.

And yes Pulisa I had a much better night, and woke up refreshed. A little jittery here and there but a couple more days and I'll be back to normal.

I have diarrhea though. Second day in a row. I ate KFC last night, night before I don't think I ate much because of the anxiety and loss of appetite. I'm not letting it bother me. My stomach still feels dicky so it's likely a bug, or a medication issue (or even subconscious anxiety). Doctor has put me on quitapine because my anxiety in general was on the up. I haven't started taking them yet though. Scared incase they knock me out like they did before. It was like getting socked in the side of the head I went down that fast.

Oh and I ran out of promazine Sunday. I get it delivered today though. Can you believe Pulisa after all this time, and all the frustrating rants I've had with them about this promzine issue, they still will only give it me weekly. This alone causes me to miss at least 1 day. Every week I go through this. That wasn't the cause for my anxiety though as I ran out Sunday and had anxiety before that. Probably didn't help.

Hopefully the new psychiatrist will knock the promazine on the head and replace it with quetiapine anyway. It'll be a lot easier and you'll have a continuous supply without all this weekly nonsense

17-02-21, 14:09
I think that's what he's planning Pulisa. For now I've got to take them both but I expect him to pull me off the promazine.

18-02-21, 12:29
My stomach is still bad :(

Poops were normal. I ate good yesterday. But hour ago I drank a chocolate milkshake. And it just came all back out as water basically.

I do have issues with dairy, but it's not constant. I think it depends on my stomach bacteria. I've had lots of situations in life where milk has came out this way.

Still not trying to over worry myself over it. My morning poops were normal, so that's a good thing.

28-02-21, 21:09
I've still got my anxiety. I'm having multiple attacks a day that last between 10 minutes and an hour.

Right now I'm edgy. My heart rate is fine. Infact slower than usual at 81 bpm. Usually at 84bpm. I feel sick and every noise is making me jumpy. I'm very tense. I can't relax.

If feels like if I move my heart will stop. I'm telling myself its bradycardia because I don't have a fast HR during this attack.

I did some weight lifting yesterday and have DOM's today. I hate DOM's.

01-03-21, 08:44
James, I think you should contact your GP this morning and tell him what's been going on lately.

01-03-21, 10:50
Dude, you've been winding yourself up for weeks right? Think about the other post. Might take a while to come back down again.

Think about a compressor.......input/modulation/output. You need to get a threshold on that mood/reaction of yours. All the medication is like having sausage fattener on the master......*

*listen everybody, WE know what I mean.....:p

01-03-21, 12:27
James, I think you should contact your GP this morning and tell him what's been going on lately.

I already did that pulisa. I'm being referred to CBT. It's all she can do. She's upped my diazepam to 5mg. It's the psycs. that have the power to move mountains, but I'm going through a formal complaint process with them as we speak.

I'm not going to let what happened get to me. It's in the past. If I dwell in the past I will fester in negativity.

01-03-21, 12:31
Dude, you've been winding yourself up for weeks right? Think about the other post. Might take a while to come back down again.

Think about a compressor.......input/modulation/output. You need to get a threshold on that mood/reaction of yours. All the medication is like having sausage fattener on the master......*

*listen everybody, WE know what I mean.....:p


Holy Moly! That's very relevant to the moment. That was good. I question if anxiety can cause mental stress to the point that it affects other emotions.

Ps. How does sausage fattener work btw? I've always wondered what that one knob does.

01-03-21, 12:34
I'm alive and kicking this morning, no anxiety, no low feelings. Had a good nights sleep too. It was the DOM's that was making my anxiety worse. Squats day today ... tomorrow I shall walk like a penguin with honor :roflmao:

01-03-21, 17:56

Holy Moly! That's very relevant to the moment. That was good. I question if anxiety can cause mental stress to the point that it affects other emotions.

Ps. How does sausage fattener work btw? I've always wondered what that one knob does.

Sausage Fattener works by making sh1t sound awesomer when you turn it up....

It's just a clever saturator.

You need to look at anxiety more holistically. Everything is connected. A tricky sh1t you had a week ago might cause you anguish today....

01-03-21, 19:30
Everything is connected. A tricky sh1t you had a week ago might cause you anguish today....

Time to dig out that book I was reading related to this. I think it's the same one you've got. I didn't finish it. Got caught up in life and forgot about it.