View Full Version : Just had Echo done

06-11-07, 23:53
Hi Guys

Well i had my echo done yesterday on my heart. Needless to say didn't get any of the missed/extra/irregular beats i have been having constantly :mad:

Anyway the guy that did the echo (who was very good looking :blush: ) said looks like my heart is good and sound etc. Then when i got home they started off with their stupid beats again and had them all night and in the morning and still on and off :wacko:

I just wish someone could tell me why i'm getting and them and will they ever stop.

Anyone else have them like constantly?

thanks guys

07-11-07, 04:11
Hi there

I have had echo after echo and holter monitors and more and everytime my heart never seems to show the missed beats etc!!! However I feel them quite often. It is a big symptom of anxiety. However I know how scary they are and how hard it is too believe that they will not harm you.
my cardiologist told me that almost everyone has them but people with anxiety are more tuned into their body and feel things much easier than others.
I hate having them still and I still panic at times. I am a constant blood pressure and pulse checker as well. My dad died of a heart attack at 40 so it is my biggest fear.
I hope that things will calm down for you soon!

07-11-07, 04:15
thanks for that Alison, yes i agree they are sooooooooo frustrating. My dad also died at 46 but had heart and various other things so I know a little of how you feel.

thanks for your kind words, at least i'm not alone

thanks again

07-11-07, 08:27
Hi Tracey

I get ectopics every day, some days are worse than others. Most of the time i ignore them but if they are really bad it can make me anxious. I find them worse if i am very tired and also when it is the time of the month.

My cardiologist also said that everyone has them, it's just that we feel ours. Thank goodness we have this forum to share our fears when we are worried.


07-11-07, 10:40
hey tracey

didnt i tell you your heart would be fine hun :hugs:

now you just need to try stay calm and not panic when you get the ectopics it dose take time but you will get there i have had a scan and ecg,s and i still get ectopics but try to just think oh well all is ok ect

jodie xxx:hugs:

07-11-07, 10:52
tracy do you mind me asking , are you an active person ??
are you in shape or slightly overweight ??

you dont have to answer but if you are more active your ectopics dissapear most people dont get them when they are stood up or walkin around, its normally when relaxed or slightly bent over or obviously when anxoius
dont worry about them chick, but if you are slightly inactive then do a little more excersice and you will find they will dissapear after time..

08-11-07, 00:18
Hi Guys

thanks for your replies. Yes Jodie you said the scan would be fine :) you are a star hun.

Hi Flinty, I'm fairly slim and active (not as active as i could be though lol). You are so right though. When i move around or am doing something i either don't feel them or don't get them. Mine are so bad when i'm sitting or in bed.

thanks guys, i love you all :)


08-11-07, 08:56
Hi tracy, great news that your heart looks fine.It happens to me too when i go to doctors or the hospital you can bet your bottom dollor that i wont fell so much as a flutter while im there,but on the way home it the car they will start again.I have had runs of ectopics in the past that has lasted well over a month.It was really draining not physically but mentally very tough,because i was adament i was gonnaa drop dead any minute.They arnt as bad now but boy only 3 months ago was tough!!!.

great news again tracy...bye for now:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

08-11-07, 22:58
Howdie Neil

I am so with you there. Not a thing goes wrong when i want it to whilst having tests but on the way home boom. Mine have been constant for last say 5-6 weeks (thats how they feel anyway). I havn't been too bad the last couple of nights in bed but you can bet it will do it again tonight and i'll feel like i'm back to square one.

Ah well at least i'm not alone (although I feel bad you guys are inflicted with these things too).

Keep smiling everyone and we will be fine :yesyes:

hugs and kisses to everyone

08-11-07, 23:01
Yeah tracy,we all have to keep our chins up and try not to dwell on the ectopics too much...but god its hard