View Full Version : Sleep issues

13-02-21, 09:39
Hi guys

Haven't posted in here in a while thankfully and for the most part I've been ok. The one bit of anxiety that still lingers is around sleep and the lack of it.

A week ago I was on a run of decent sleep but that changed and I'm on a bad run. I've had sleep anxiety for a a few years now but usually after I don't have the terrible disease I worry about I return to normal.

I get hypnic jerks which I think is related to my anxiety. Anyone else get them? sometimes they don't come, sometimes its once but not bothersome but quite a few times it can be continuous. Mine are not accompanied by a dream usually...they're usually quite subtle limb movements just as I'm falling asleep. Any things people did to improve them or sleep in general? it seems that after a bad night I get worried that it will be like that forever and my anxiety sky rockets.

18-02-21, 22:39
Hi I get hyper jerks, I've had them for over 3 years after a stressful few months. Sometimes they are more frequent than others and sometimes not there at all! At first I freaked out about them but now I don't even give them a second thought. Sometimes I laugh at how upset I used to get compared to now. They are very common. Hope this helps.