View Full Version : Night Sweats

16-02-21, 09:00
Hi everyone

Last year I dealt with some pretty severe health anxiety and am currently having therapy which is going well.

I am doing my very best to stay away from google for any new symptoms, and overall, I’m not getting myself into that OMG I am dying frenzy anymore.

However something has happened which has bothered me and I wondered if anyone else could share similar situations, as I’m not sure if it’s normal or if this requires a chat with the dr. (Which I reallllu don’t want to do, as I feel this will hinder my recovery from HA)!!

Last night at around 1:30am I woke up with ‘night sweats’ my back was very sweaty and the back of my neck and my legs. The bed sheets near my pillow were wet (not puddles but a bit uncomfortable to lay back down on, not enough that I HAD to change them then and there though) I was absolutely boiling when I woke up and my partner said he felt clammy and was a little hot too.

Obviously even without googling I’m aware that night sweats are a symptom of certain cancers. At what point does it become worrying?

Also I have had this happen before during last summer but not enough to cause dampness to my bed sheets, this was by far the worst one.

Probably also worth noting when this has happened before it is on the week leading up to my period. Last night was during a period so I’m wondering if that could suggest it is hormonal. I had a hormone panel last summer and their was no suggestion of any hormonal issues, dr said they were all normal levels. I am 27 y/o, could my normal hormones be doing this?

Any replies would be appreciated

Thanks x

16-02-21, 10:30

So pleased youve been feeling better..I too went through very similar worries to you at the end of last year and your previous posts about tummy issues brought me SO much comfort knowing I wasn't alone. Also like you, ive had a few nights where I have woken up feeling clammy and hot, round my neck, chest and backs of legs. It all started when my anxiety was ramping up and was having problems sleeping and I feel like although im waaay more chill, there are still those niggly thoughts and a low level anxiety...I mean, we are in a bloody global pandemic and life is pretty shit...! I'm no doctor but im pretty sure a combo of anxiety and normal hormonal fluctuations = getting a bit warm at night! JUST DO NOT GOOGLE ;) x

17-02-21, 21:38
Absolutely. I tend to get a bit sweaty in the lead up to my period and have sometimes asked myself the same question. Ive probably only had a handful of episodes where I've had 'night sweats' but never to the point where i'm soaking the sheets. Just sweaty. And only really the week before my period (unless its super hot outside and then i'm just constantly sweaty and yuck).

20-02-21, 00:14
"Sweaty" and clinical night sweats are different animals. What you described sounds like "sweaty" to me. I think it is normal for many, if not most people to have episodes like you described. I get them a few times a year, and I am a 50 year old man.

20-02-21, 00:45
"Sweaty" and clinical night sweats are different animals. What you described sounds like "sweaty" to me.

Took the type out of my fingers. I had real night sweats before my diagnosis. We're talking wring out, lay towels down and change the sheets type sweats.

Positive thoughts

20-02-21, 18:37
I have not had night sweats but I’m getting horrendous hot flushes, no idea why. I am only 32 so like you am worried naturally as we are a bit young for menopause etc. However, one night of feeling clammy, doesn’t mean you have cancer hun, especially when your hubby felt hot too. Xx

21-02-21, 11:51
I get hormonal night sweats. I'm 43 now but have suffered with these for years and had quite a few blood tests for them over the years which have always come back OK. I usually am damp enough on the chest neck and sometimes knees that I have to change my night clothes and occasionally put a towel down if the sheets are a little damp! After I had my kids, I had full on night sweats (which is also normal after child birth) and those were on a different level. I would wake up totally soaked and have to change all the bedding. I think those are the type that are more concerning although in my case there was a standard reason for those too.

22-02-21, 11:35
Hey everyone. Thanks so much for replying. So it seams I’m experiencing sweating as opposed to drenching night sweats? I’m not soaked like I’ve been in a shower, just hot and a bit clammy.

It actually happened again today, but only on the side of my body that was laying on the bed, and it left my sheets just hot and mildly damp.

Our bedroom is very warm so I’m hoping it is just being in a hot room with winter bedding

24-02-21, 01:54
This will happen to me out of the blue, sometimes for 2 weeks time. At one time they were so bad for like 5 nights in a row, I tried sleeping in my sons room to see if it was my mattress or sheets. I tried sleeping with the windows open, cranking the air conditioner, nothing helped. I would wake up and my back, chest, the back of my legs, the back of my neck were dripping with sweat. That was about a year and a half ago. It was nothing. They disappeared. I still get them every now and then.