View Full Version : Tapping great reliever

16-02-21, 20:44
Hi everyone.

I have posted before as i suffer with health anxiety mainly concerning my heart. I have regular ectopic beats, on bad days its almost all day and can be very frightening.

I am constantly looking for ways to relieve my anxiety and especially these ectopic beats. I have tried all sorts but i wanted to share a great reliever of these symptoms for me, with everyone.

I heard of something called tapping. It is like a self administered acupuncture whereby you simply tap on points of your head and body whilst breathing slowly and rythmically. I have found this to be such a relief for me especially during bad episodes of ectopics. I take myself away and do some tapping for 10-15 mins and the symptoms lessen a lot if not disappear totally for that time.

There is an app called the tapping solution. There is a free trial on there for 14 days so i would recommend people try it. It really has been brilliant for me and is now part of my daily routine.

Hope it helps some of you also.
