View Full Version : Sudden pin prick/sting/bite feeling on skin. Nothing there. Anybody else?

18-02-21, 17:22
Ok, so this has been really bothering me because I can't seem to find an explanation for it. It's feeding into a different fear I have about a rabid bat hiding beneath a toilet seat that I flushed away without noticing, but I'm trying not to focus on that and find a normal explanation for the feeling I experienced.

This happened when I was using the bathroom about 2 weeks ago. I sat down on the loo and felt a sharp stab/bee sting/bite feeling on my left bum cheek (why cant it be in a less embarrassing region haha). It made me jump in surprise, but I didn't think to check it. I was in a rush to leave.

The skin wasn't touching anything when I sat down, so it's not like there was anything sharp on the loo seat. Not an insect as it's the middle of winter.

It was a single quick zap of pain, like when you get stung or bitten, and then it felt a bit tender afterwards. No welts or hives there. It's still tender, but that's probably from thinking about it and checking it so much.

Could this have been a nerve misfiring? Is that even a thing? This genuinely felt like the surface of my skin was being pierced with a needle or thumb tack.

If anybody has felt a similar sensation on their skin, I'd love to know because I'm freaking out a lot about it. If it's just something that sometimes happens to lots of people, I'll probably be able to calm down a little.

19-02-21, 11:17
I have had several weird sensations on my skin over the years, which have all been caused by anxiety. Nerve pain, feeling like there were bugs crawling under my skin, feeling like my skin was on fire, feeling like my skin was wet, hot, cold... when in fact it wasn't. For me it's just another symptom of anxiety, and my doctor has never been concerned. Back when it first started happening in 2017 there were times the nerve pain was so bad that even wearing clothes was too painful. I saw a neurologist and had an MRI - all normal.
Lately I've been really anxious and have had many abnormal sensations. Told my doctor, he was not concerned, so I'm trying not to be either :) And so should you! Stress and anxiety can cause many strange sensations, even when we're not feeling particularly anxious.

19-02-21, 19:29
I have had several weird sensations on my skin over the years, which have all been caused by anxiety. Nerve pain, feeling like there were bugs crawling under my skin, feeling like my skin was on fire, feeling like my skin was wet, hot, cold... when in fact it wasn't. For me it's just another symptom of anxiety, and my doctor has never been concerned. Back when it first started happening in 2017 there were times the nerve pain was so bad that even wearing clothes was too painful. I saw a neurologist and had an MRI - all normal.
Lately I've been really anxious and have had many abnormal sensations. Told my doctor, he was not concerned, so I'm trying not to be either :) And so should you! Stress and anxiety can cause many strange sensations, even when we're not feeling particularly anxious.

Thanks for taking the time to reply :)

I'm hoping it was just a random sensation. I was feeling quite happy at the time, full of energy and rushing around to get things done. I guess maybe a nerve decided to be a bit funny and made me feel a sting.

I'm usually fine with feeling weird sensations like crawling, itching, twitching etc, as usually I can see the area being effected and see it's nothing. It felt so much like a bite, but I'm trying to tell myself I've also felt like I was being poked in the arm before and there was nothing there. So maybe my body just perceived a bite.

I have had MRIs and neuro workups too, and nothing was found either.

I hoped this sting/bite sensation was a really common feeling that people just felt and forgot.

23-02-21, 20:57
Just wondering.. is your skin very dry? I am noticing pinches, prickly feelings, itching, stinging.. driving me crazy but I think its from my skin being dry.

23-02-21, 21:52
Just wondering.. is your skin very dry? I am noticing pinches, prickly feelings, itching, stinging.. driving me crazy but I think its from my skin being dry.

I've since had more of the sensations on other parts of my body, and oddly enough, I think it's some kind of allergic reaction to something I'm eating. I could have some dry skin too as the central heating has been blasting during the cold weather.

23-02-21, 21:55
I’ve had that before many times. Recently I was CONVINCED I’d just been stung by a wasp or something but there was nothing there, no mark, no beastie.

So yes, it’s very weird but also clearly a bit common and a bit of an annoyance.

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23-02-21, 22:03
I’ve had that before many times. Recently I was CONVINCED I’d just been stung by a wasp or something but there was nothing there, no mark, no beastie.

So yes, it’s very weird but also clearly a bit common and a bit of an annoyance.

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That is reassuring, thank you :)

It really did feel like something had a good chomp or sting on my skin. I've had it happen again a few times since and think maybe my skin is reacting to something in my diet.

I'm feeling a lot more calm about it now (and a little bit silly!)