View Full Version : Recurrent UTI's, IBS, pelvic floor dysfunction...?

19-02-21, 10:34
So back in the beginning of January I was treated for a severe urinary tract infection. 5 days of antibiotics, the intense abdominal and back pain was gone, but some mild bladder irritation remained. Then my boyfriend - a man I thought was the love of my ****ing life - and I broke up. I was - and still am - devastated. A week after the treatment ended I had sex with a new partner (totally irresponsible in these times, I know, I was hurting and desperate for a rebound and I regret it so much), but I made sure to pee and shower straight after - but a week later the abdominal pain came back, went to the doctor, she found traces of blood, nitrite and leukocytes in my urine, but only very little and suggested I tried home remedies first. I drank even more water than usual as well as unsweetened cranberry juice and green tea and the pain and bladder irritation seemed to subside. But now it's back and I just don't get why it keeps coming back - I haven't been sexually active for weeks! Is something wrong with my immune system?

I also have some anorectal irritation - I can't believe I'm actually typing this... I have had IBS on/off since I was a teenager, but it has always been mild and quite manageable. I suppose it still is, but since the breakup my anxiety has been quite bad and it has triggered my OCD. I have become obsessed with hygiene, I wipe excessively, even internally, I sometimes even use cotton swabs on the inside to make sure I'm squeaky clean. Tuesday I even cleaned the inside with soap in the shower! Stupid, I know. OCD is a bitch. I know this might - probably - have caused the irritation. I had an anal fissure a few weeks ago, but it cleared on its own within a few days. Now I still pass mucus - sometimes with bowel movements, sometimes without. I have tenesmus as well, which I have had on/off for years, but it seems to be more on than off lately. Sometimes a bit of bright red blood on the paper, like from a cut. Yesterday there was even some blood on the paper when I wiped after just peeing! I am so afraid that it is actually proctitis or anal cryptitis and will develop into a fistula. Sometimes I even think that it already has developed into a fistula and that is causing the UTI.

I have been passing mucus with stool and on its own since last spring, had a proctoscopy in August, which was all clear. But I'm afraid that I have caused some permanent damage to my rectum because of the excessive hygiene.

I also suffer from chronic pain, including low back pain, because of excessive hypermobility in basically all of my joints. I also have hypertonic pelvic floor according to my pelvic floor physiotherapist.

Has anyone had similar symptoms? Or had recurrent UTIs even when not sexually active???